I'm also a big GNU/Linux fan, but I can understand the frustration of
people who constantly give credit to others for their work.

The GNU project did not inspire BSD.

On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 6:43 AM, Steve Litt <sl...@troubleshooters.com>

> On Tue, 16 Feb 2016 22:23:27 -0500
> Eric Furman <ericfur...@fastmail.net> wrote:
> > OS400 people don't come on this list and discuss their operating
> > system. VOS people don't come on this list and discuss their
> > operating system. Hell, even Windows people don't come on this list
> > and discuss their OS. I'm totally confused as to why we constantly
> > get GNU/Linux douche bags on this list wanting to talk about
> > GNU/Linux. Here's a heads up; WE DO NOT CARE.
> As a GNU/Linux douche bag, I'm wondering why the strong reaction? Has
> somebody hit a nerve? I thought this discussion was just bumbling along
> til you made it a big thing(tm).
> I mean, we GNU/Linux douche bags discuss the various BSDs, on our
> mailing lists, regularly. The primary way the discussion happens is to
> evaluate whether GNU/Linux or one of the BSDs should be used for a
> specific situation, given that Linux and BSD can often solve the same
> set of problems. Nobody ever calls anyone else a BSD douche bag. We
> like BSD and its community.
> Until you posted this, nobody in this thread said bad things about
> Linux or its users. Tough day?
> By the way, you spelled douchebag wrong: It has no spaces.
> SteveT
> Steve Litt
> February 2016 featured book: The Key to Everyday Excellence
> http://www.troubleshooters.com/key

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