On 2016 Feb 17 (Wed) at 01:43:29 -0500 (-0500), Steve Litt wrote:
:On Tue, 16 Feb 2016 22:23:27 -0500
:Eric Furman <ericfur...@fastmail.net> wrote:
:> OS400 people don't come on this list and discuss their operating
:> system. VOS people don't come on this list and discuss their
:> operating system. Hell, even Windows people don't come on this list
:> and discuss their OS. I'm totally confused as to why we constantly
:> get GNU/Linux douche bags on this list wanting to talk about
:> GNU/Linux. Here's a heads up; WE DO NOT CARE.
:As a GNU/Linux douche bag, I'm wondering why the strong reaction? Has
:somebody hit a nerve? I thought this discussion was just bumbling along
:til you made it a big thing(tm).

This discussion is completely insulting.

The Subject line alone is designed to imply we didn't do the things we
actually did, and to give praise to those that falsely deserve it.

It is a troll question, written in a troll way.

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