On Tue, 16 Feb 2016 22:23:27 -0500
Eric Furman <ericfur...@fastmail.net> wrote:

> OS400 people don't come on this list and discuss their operating
> system. VOS people don't come on this list and discuss their
> operating system. Hell, even Windows people don't come on this list
> and discuss their OS. I'm totally confused as to why we constantly
> get GNU/Linux douche bags on this list wanting to talk about
> GNU/Linux. Here's a heads up; WE DO NOT CARE.

As a GNU/Linux douche bag, I'm wondering why the strong reaction? Has
somebody hit a nerve? I thought this discussion was just bumbling along
til you made it a big thing(tm).

I mean, we GNU/Linux douche bags discuss the various BSDs, on our
mailing lists, regularly. The primary way the discussion happens is to
evaluate whether GNU/Linux or one of the BSDs should be used for a
specific situation, given that Linux and BSD can often solve the same
set of problems. Nobody ever calls anyone else a BSD douche bag. We
like BSD and its community.

Until you posted this, nobody in this thread said bad things about
Linux or its users. Tough day? 

By the way, you spelled douchebag wrong: It has no spaces.


Steve Litt 
February 2016 featured book: The Key to Everyday Excellence

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