See attached.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Pierce" <>
To: "misc" <>
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 6:30:33 PM
Subject: anoncvs.html.head

This diff is a resend against the correct file:

 - some punctuation, line spacing and minor grammar fixes
 - "file sets" has a special meaning, so don't refer to src.tar.gz, 
xenocara.tar.gc,ports.tar.gz as "file sets"
 - cvs(1) hrefs
 - "diffs" is already used earlier on the page, so don't quote it

Index: anoncvs.html.head
RCS file: /cvs/www/build/mirrors/anoncvs.html.head,v
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -u -p -r1.42 anoncvs.html.head
--- anoncvs.html.head   2 Sep 2015 13:11:30 -0000       1.42
+++ anoncvs.html.head   11 Sep 2015 22:10:15 -0000
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ source repositories:
   <li><b>src</b> - Houses all source code for the OpenBSD Operating System.
   <li><b>ports</b> - Houses the <a href="faq/ports/index.html">OpenBSD 
-  <li><b>www</b> - Houses all OpenBSD web pages. (Including this one).
+  <li><b>www</b> - Houses all OpenBSD web pages (including this one).
   <li><b>xenocara</b> - Houses OpenBSD's active v7 source tree.
   <li><b>X11</b> and <b>XF4</b> - Houses OpenBSD's adaptation of the
       <a href="";>XFree86-3</a> and XFree86-4
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ with only one part of the tree.  The two
 which contains the files used to create the kernel, and <tt>src.tar.gz</tt>
 which contains all the other "userland" utilities.
 In general, however, you will usually want both of them installed.
-Assuming the downloaded files, <tt>src.tar.gz</tt>,
+Assuming the downloaded files <tt>src.tar.gz</tt>,
 <tt>sys.tar.gz</tt> and <tt>xenocara.tar.gz</tt> are in <tt>/usr</tt>:
@@ -135,11 +135,13 @@ Assuming the downloaded files, <tt>src.t
-Not all people will wish to unpack all the file sets, but as the system
+Not all people will wish to unpack all the source file, but as the system
 must be kept in sync, you will generally need to set up all trees.
-You can also just use cvs(1) to "<b>checkout</b>" the source repository
+You can also just use
+to "<b>checkout</b>" the source repository
 for you. This is discussed in the <a href="#using">next section</a>.
@@ -160,16 +162,12 @@ from the <a href="errata.html">errata</a
 For more information on these "flavors" of OpenBSD, see 
 <a href="faq/faq5.html#Flavors">here</a>.
-<p>Once you have decided which tree to follow, you must choose which Anonymous
-CVS server you are going to use.  A list of these servers is
-<a href="#CVSROOT">below</a>.
-Once you have chosen which <a href="#CVSROOT">Anonymous CVS Server</a> you will
-use, you can start using cvs. For those of you
+Once you have decided which tree to follow, and which <a 
href="#CVSROOT">Anonymous CVS Server</a> you will
+use, you can start using <a 
 For those of you
 who have CDs you can start with the CVS checkout that is on the CD by using
 the method <a href="#starting">above</a> to get the sources onto your system.
-If you don't have a CD handy, use the method below to checkout the sources.
+If you don't have a CD handy, use the method below to checkout the sources:
 <ul><li>First, start out by `get'-ing an initial tree:
@@ -210,9 +208,11 @@ Confirm this, and the fingerprint will t
 Note that the above format with SHA256 fingerprints was added after the
 release of OpenBSD 5.6; older versions only use MD5 fingerprints.
 <li> Anytime afterwards, to `update' this tree:
 <p> (If you are following <i>current</i>):
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ to merge changes in.
 <li> NOTE:
 If you are updating a source tree that you initially fetched
 from a different server, or from a CD, you <strong>must</strong>
-add the <em>-d [cvsroot]</em> option to cvs.
+add the <em>-d [cvsroot]</em> option to cvs:
        # <strong>cd /usr/src</strong>
        # <strong>cvs -d -q up -Pd</strong>
@@ -295,11 +295,11 @@ directory, and a subsequent update will 
 The anoncvs service gives fledgling developers a chance to learn CVS
-operation and get thoroughly involved in the development process
+operations and get thoroughly involved in the development process
 before getting "commit" access -- as a result of showing useful
 skills and high quality results they will naturally later be given
 developer access.
-As well, people providing patches can create their "diff"s relative
+As well, people providing patches can create their diffs relative
 to the CVS tree, which will ease integration.
 <h3><a name="EXAMPLE"><font color="#0000e0">Example usages for cvs(1)</font>

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