On Sun, Jan 01, 2012 at 06:01:31PM +0100, Nomen Nescio wrote:

> > These words you keep on using... I don't think they mean what you think
> > they mean.
> That's ok because I'm the one who "keeps on using" them, not you. But I
> meant what I wrote just so you know.
> > Noone is holding you at gunpoint until you are buying a Lemote device.
> No but the factory is making sure only limited dealers can sell them. I
> smell a rat.
> > If you consider them too expensive for what you think they are worth,
> > it's fine. But don't tell people their prices are ``holding people in
> > hostage''. Thanks.
> Oh, so you are one of the people holding people hostage by limiting
> distribution and you're just not admitting it?
> Or you're just an argumentative sonofabitch and for some reason you believe
> it's your responsibility to police the net for certain types of posts and
> align yourself with those who gouge people on slave labor technology? After
> all it costs them about 5 bucks to actually make it. Pardon me I am not
> rushing to pay 250 dollars. That seems excessive as I have said.
> Since you have advice for me, let me share some for you. Mind your own
> fucking business. I really don't give a shit that you don't think a
> restricted distribution network and price controls are fine. Most of the
> rest of us don't agree.
> Now go away..

Ehum, if Miod would have done that, there would likely be no OpenBSD
running on these Loongsons.  So given the choice, I would rather have
anonymous cowards that did not contribute anything to leave.


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