You need some fucking valium.
On Jan 2, 2012 12:17 PM, "Nomen Nescio" <> wrote:

> > 1) you have no idea what it costs them to make one
> And you do, right?
> > 2) pure production cost isn't the entire picture
> Why not? They're using their own chip design. I doubt they pay for
> a license but maybe they do. So what? A license costs 200 dollars per unit?
> I don't think so.
> > 3) they are free to ask for any price they want. you are free to not
> >    buy their stuff.
> So why are you and your butt buddies arguing so hard? I feel the price is
> too high, but that is only based on reality. If you buy your cred by having
> new or odd stuff then I understand why you feel like paying whatever they
> gouge you for.
> > 4) watch your tongue. miod is actually the one who writes the code you
> >    want to run. miod being the target or someone else, the behaviour
> >    you've shown so far isn't in the range i call acceptable.
> I have nothing against miod, I have no idea who/what that is. How do you
> know what I want to run? I'm just looking for cheap MIPS boxes. And I don't
> give a shit what you call acceptable. Fuck yourself and have a good time.
> > > Since you have advice for me, let me share some for you. Mind your own
> > > fucking business. I really don't give a shit that you don't think a
> > > restricted distribution network and price controls are fine. Most of
> the
> > > rest of us don't agree.
> >
> > oh, you're speaking for "most of us". how could I miss that!
> No, asshole, what you missed is most people who buy things don't appreciate
> restricted distribution networks and price controls. If you do good for
> you. Amazing how you're against Windows marketing for the same tactics I'm
> against Lemote's marketing but somehow for me it's wrong but for you it's
> ok. Monopoly is monopoly and price fixing is price fixing whether you you
> have buddies on the inside or not.
> > asking the people whom's work you rely on to go away is the behaviour
> > of a true genius.
> You're making a lot of assumptions and so far none of them are correct. I
> don't rely on anyone's work. I asked a simple question and certain
> motherfuckers like yourself feel the need to add noise to the thread
> instead
> of letting it die. Somebody could have said as far as I know the price
> hasn't come down at all since 2008 and there is no reduction in sight.
> Instead you motherfuckers are lecturing me on why I should pay 200 or
> 250 bucks for 5 dollars worth of slave-labor hardware as if you're all
> shareholders. That's funny. Then you, asshole, accuse me of badmouthing
> miod
> whoever/whatever that is, and if he isn't the one making 245 bucks per
> unit,
> I have nothing against him/it and nothing I've ever said would lead anyone
> to believe otherwise.
> I don't believe in paying top dollar to some shop in Europe just so they
> can
> make a few thousand percent markup on a unit when the guys who actually
> make
> them get paid enough for a half of bag of rice per month. I don't give a
> shit what connections you have or why you think I should enrich your
> buddies
> but it ain't going to happen. It's not a boutique item or a collectable,
> it's just a low-end MIPS box. When the mini hits 50 bucks I'll buy a
> bunch. Until then, "that's TOO FUCKING HIGH!!!" Got it, asshole?
> I'll say to you what I said to the previous motherfucker who felt it
> necessary to impress me with his vast lack of knowledge on actually
> answering the question: go fuck yourself. Bye asshole!

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