Richard Thornton wrote [2011-12-30 14:25+0100]:
> what's your damage?

The damage of Fritz WC<hler is that he doesn't read books.
I'm currently reading
    "Richtisch beese MC$uler (Hessische Satiren)"
    "Really    bad   Jaws   (Satires from Hesse)"
a retrospective of humour from my little homeland :),
and one of the stories therein is
    "Heinrich Hoffmann - HandbC<chlein fC<r WC<hler"
    "                  - 'Little [or: Petty] Handbook' for Agitators"

The same author also wrote "The Story of Little Suck-a-Thumb".
You get the idea ...

Fritz - stop your handwork, read this first.
Bye!  beside that.


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