> These words you keep on using... I don't think they mean what you think
> they mean.

That's ok because I'm the one who "keeps on using" them, not you. But I
meant what I wrote just so you know.

> Noone is holding you at gunpoint until you are buying a Lemote device.

No but the factory is making sure only limited dealers can sell them. I
smell a rat.

> If you consider them too expensive for what you think they are worth,
> it's fine. But don't tell people their prices are ``holding people in
> hostage''. Thanks.

Oh, so you are one of the people holding people hostage by limiting
distribution and you're just not admitting it?

Or you're just an argumentative sonofabitch and for some reason you believe
it's your responsibility to police the net for certain types of posts and
align yourself with those who gouge people on slave labor technology? After
all it costs them about 5 bucks to actually make it. Pardon me I am not
rushing to pay 250 dollars. That seems excessive as I have said.

Since you have advice for me, let me share some for you. Mind your own
fucking business. I really don't give a shit that you don't think a
restricted distribution network and price controls are fine. Most of the
rest of us don't agree.

Now go away..

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