OpenBSD has an annoying habit of being right.
Perhaps if OpenBSD can be civilized into not speaking their minds,
OpenBSD won't be so annoying (by not being so right).
That seems to be the implicit thrust of these thingees.
Flames invited if I've misread the situation.

-----Original Message-----
Rick Barter
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 2:59 PM
To: OpenBSD-Misc
Subject: Re: heal the world, and misc@ [strictly coffeetime reading]

dereck wrote:
>>Look, I don't 'act all tough on the net'.  I just
>>refuse to sit idly 
>>by while mamby pamby whiners are spouting crap. 
>>And, in real life, 
>>I'd say the same thing to him.
> On this I'll have to draw the line - that is plainly
> Bullshit.  You would not say anything like this to his
> or her face, because you are a coward hiding behind
> your keyboard.  In the "real world" no one would take
> what you dish on this list, and that is the plain
> fact.  No company or government job would put up with
> it.  We have to because it is a public list.  But you
> are so full of it that it is painful to watch.  You
> would not say these things and stay gainfully
> employed.

Not true.  I have spoken my mind many times in-person and at work, to 
managers and presidents.  I have never been fired for anything I've 
said because I don't attack people personally.  I would gladly have a 
discussion in real-life with anyone on this list.  Only a fool or 
someone as immature as you would actually get so defensive.  Rational 
people can disagree cannot they not?  They can argue points without 
breaking into a fist-fight, can't they?  Maybe you don't understand 
the difference between arguing a point and just arguing.

> You are driving people away from trying and using
> OBSD, and I (for one) hope that you are at least proud
> of yourself.  This is the MISC list, for crissakes,
> and we should be more helpful to newbies.  As a
> technical project, Linux is a mess; but it continues
> to grow not in small part to the esprit de corps that
> the users openly encourage.  Newbie questions on Linux
> lists are not discouraged, and a "keep at it - it'll
> come" encouragement is not at all unusual.  They are
> even proud of getting their grandmothers to use it!  

Never once during this thread have I advocated NOT helping new people. 
      Please re-read my response to the original post.  I have never 
once discouraged someone from participating on this list and have 
helped whenever and wherever I can.

> We, by contrast, have to put up with the "better than
> you" attitude from the vocal minority on this list
> which reminds one unpleasantly of Jerry Fallwell,
> Osama bin Liden, and other wacko religious crowds.

> Put a sock in it, Rick.  Almost everyone met your type
> in grade school.  Small boys who pick fights with
> younger girls, or kick the neighbor's dog, are not
> uncommon.  You are not "keeping it real," or "setting
> the story straight," or "protecting us from assholes."
>  You ARE the asshole.  

Hahaha are you saying I'm a wacko, a terrorist?  Why, because I have 
an opinion I feel strongly about, tried to make a point, and am 
defending my assertions?  This is what I'm talking about.  The world 
is being conditioned such that if you argue with someone, you're the 
enemy.  Grow up.  Oh, and thanks for calling me an asshole.  You made 
my day.

> If you will stop "protecting us" maybe the user base
> will expand. [And yes, I'll be glad to answer
> questions and help - with money, time, and anything
> else.]

Haha.  Who cares if the user base expands.  The OpenBSD team doesn't. 
  Go read some documentation.  They code this stuff for their own 
pleasure/use.  I happen to like the system and come along for the ride.

And if anyone wants to come to my house and discuss it over tea or 
coffee or anything let me know and I'll give you my address.


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