On Fri, 10 Jun 2005, R.Payne wrote:

"We are the woorrrld.  We are the childrennn..."

Put a sock in it already.

could someone? its clear that people feel differently about this, and discussing it is proving to be completly counter productive as its just creating more clutter that we had hoped to avoid.

there are two facts,

#1 people say misc@ is unfriendly.

#2 people say misc@ is friendly.

we can therefor come to the conclusion that people say a lot fo things.

but i hardly think this is the right place to discuss all of them, instead OpenBSD should be the topic of discussion.

end of story, thread etc.


-f wrote:
hello Rick, and others,

i just wanted to say, that you almost enteriley missed
my point.  i never said leave the young in a bubble,
but 40 people yelling at you and calling names is
not funny either.  i didn't realize all the people here
were so strong personalities in their teens, my mistake.

only a sith deals in absolutes, to quote a very bad movie.

i did not suggest let's make misc into a linux-newbie
style lounge.  i just wanted to point out that you
never know what damage you make.  just keep in mind.

anyway, have a nice weekend.


ps.  yeah, and all of you ask your dad how many stupid
questions/minute you asked him when you were young...
did he just slap you: "it's scary bad world out there
you fscking idiot!  now shut up and code!" ?

pps. i just realized my mail could depict me as the
local christian from your mall.  i am not.

ppps. by popular demand i hereby promise i will not
teach, none of your kids at least.  also i wouldn't
let mine near you, probably.

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