These threads truly hurt the list, and make everyone suffer. Please stop.
-Rick On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 01:54:46PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- > Hash: SHA1 > > >Not true. I have spoken my mind many times in-person and at work, > to > >managers and presidents. I have never been fired for anything I've > >said because I don't attack people personally. I would gladly > have a > >discussion in real-life with anyone on this list. Only a fool or > >someone as immature as you would actually get so defensive. > Rational > >people can disagree cannot they not? They can argue points without > >breaking into a fist-fight, can't they? Maybe you don't understand > >the difference between arguing a point and just arguing. > > Uh, last time I checked he was accusing you of calling people names > and acting like an asshole. That is a lot different that simply > having a difference of opinion. And I would have to agree with him. > You would get fired most places for talking the way a lot of people > do on this list. > > This is all besides the point though. People are ignorant. People > over react. This really needs not be discussed any further as > neither side will change very much if at all. Let's drop this > pointless babble and continue on with the help that the list was > setup for in the first place. > > On Fri, 10 Jun 2005 12:58:59 -0700 Rick Barter > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >dereck wrote: > >>>Look, I don't 'act all tough on the net'. I just > >>>refuse to sit idly > >>>by while mamby pamby whiners are spouting crap. > >>>And, in real life, > >>>I'd say the same thing to him. > >> > >> On this I'll have to draw the line - that is plainly > >> Bullshit. You would not say anything like this to his > >> or her face, because you are a coward hiding behind > >> your keyboard. In the "real world" no one would take > >> what you dish on this list, and that is the plain > >> fact. No company or government job would put up with > >> it. We have to because it is a public list. But you > >> are so full of it that it is painful to watch. You > >> would not say these things and stay gainfully > >> employed. > > > >Not true. I have spoken my mind many times in-person and at work, > >to > >managers and presidents. I have never been fired for anything > >I've > >said because I don't attack people personally. I would gladly > >have a > >discussion in real-life with anyone on this list. Only a fool or > >someone as immature as you would actually get so defensive. > >Rational > >people can disagree cannot they not? They can argue points > >without > >breaking into a fist-fight, can't they? Maybe you don't > >understand > >the difference between arguing a point and just arguing. > > > >> You are driving people away from trying and using > >> OBSD, and I (for one) hope that you are at least proud > >> of yourself. This is the MISC list, for crissakes, > >> and we should be more helpful to newbies. As a > >> technical project, Linux is a mess; but it continues > >> to grow not in small part to the esprit de corps that > >> the users openly encourage. Newbie questions on Linux > >> lists are not discouraged, and a "keep at it - it'll > >> come" encouragement is not at all unusual. They are > >> even proud of getting their grandmothers to use it! > > > >Never once during this thread have I advocated NOT helping new > >people. > > Please re-read my response to the original post. I have > >never > >once discouraged someone from participating on this list and have > >helped whenever and wherever I can. > > > >> We, by contrast, have to put up with the "better than > >> you" attitude from the vocal minority on this list > >> which reminds one unpleasantly of Jerry Fallwell, > >> Osama bin Liden, and other wacko religious crowds. > > > >> Put a sock in it, Rick. Almost everyone met your type > >> in grade school. Small boys who pick fights with > >> younger girls, or kick the neighbor's dog, are not > >> uncommon. You are not "keeping it real," or "setting > >> the story straight," or "protecting us from assholes." > >> You ARE the asshole. > > > >Hahaha are you saying I'm a wacko, a terrorist? Why, because I > >have > >an opinion I feel strongly about, tried to make a point, and am > >defending my assertions? This is what I'm talking about. The > >world > >is being conditioned such that if you argue with someone, you're > >the > >enemy. Grow up. Oh, and thanks for calling me an asshole. You > >made > >my day. > > > >> If you will stop "protecting us" maybe the user base > >> will expand. [And yes, I'll be glad to answer > >> questions and help - with money, time, and anything > >> else.] > > > >Haha. Who cares if the user base expands. The OpenBSD team > >doesn't. > > Go read some documentation. They code this stuff for their own > >pleasure/use. I happen to like the system and come along for the > >ride. > > > >And if anyone wants to come to my house and discuss it over tea or > > > >coffee or anything let me know and I'll give you my address. > > > >rvb > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- > Note: This signature can be verified at > Version: Hush 2.4 > > wkYEARECAAYFAkKp/fwACgkQSNwPY+UhpH+E/QCgmrow2QTEapio714bUuWUb4bJTagA > nilM97xllwpEWiCjISELay1oStWP > =DPKI > -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- > > > > > Concerned about your privacy? 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