Just a FYI, the cable modem must be from Optimum, they need to set it up 
Thus my point was if your modem is 5 years old or is a "Scientific Atlanta" 
time to swap it out.

Now the Router is your call, Optimum will give you a free one, but the cost of 
free is that second channel that allows Optimum customers to use your ( I mean 
there ) router.
Other customers using your router does not count against your connection. Some 
people mind ( I do ) so simple solution is don't get there free router.

So after all that, what is higher speed internet good for? Legally really only 
allowing more member of your household to stream services you pay for.
The main reason I did the extra $5 is that with two teens and a video junkie 
wife, it really does make sense. Also DDNS with port 35 & 80 open is a 
welcome addition.
I do believe that 50,75,101 are all "business class" services and are required 
to be on the DOCSIS 3 circuit. I have to look in to what the SLA is (Service 
Level Agreement) 


/** Joseph T Apuzzo
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 ** http://apuzzo.us
 ** PGP/GPG Key ID# 0xA16E26CF
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---- On Tue, 10 Nov 2015 13:31:02 -0500 James E. 
LaBarre<j.e.laba...@gmail.com> wrote ---- 

On 11/07/2015 10:18 AM, Ed Gorman wrote:
> The WiFi modems they give out were intended for non tech users. The 
manufacturers "water" down the features. Also rumor has said Cablevision 
enables a second SSID for the modem to be a WiFi hotspot, OPTWIFI. I see this 
in my rural neighborhood.
> The best thing to do is buy a router and swap the modem for a plain DOCSIS 
3 compatible modem. If they do not/cannot do this, buy your own.

We have phone and internet both from Crudcast. Only recently dropped TV 
from the bundle (and they managed to foul up the entire connection when 
they disabled the TV portion too). So we'd still have to have a modem 
with both. Of course, I'll eventually see if I can cut our costs at all 
with some other option (POTS or perhaps some Ooma-type solution) and 
reduce that to internet-only.

As it is right now, their modem is set to bridged-mode, and I have a 
Linksys with DD-WRT for the router.
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