The WiFi modems they give out were intended for non tech users.  The 
manufacturers "water" down the features.  Also rumor has said Cablevision 
enables a second SSID for the modem to be a WiFi hotspot, OPTWIFI.  I see this 
in my rural neighborhood.

The best thing to do is buy a router and swap the modem for a plain DOCSIS 3 
compatible modem.  If they do not/cannot do this, buy your own.

I did a comparison of the Netgear Nighthawk router and the Netgear CS7000 WiFi 
modem which has the Nighthawk built in and the router has better WiFi.

"James E. LaBarre" <> wrote:

>On 11/06/2015 08:04 PM, japuzzo wrote:
>> Simple resolution was to swap out the modem for a new ARRIS TM822 which
>> is a DOCSIS 3.0
>> Cool side note, if you get this modem you can go
>> to to access it's status pages which gives some
>> modem info.
>I hope it's better than the P.o.S. Arris TG862G that Cr*pcast likes to 
>provide.  The 862 is supposed to be a WiFi/Router as well as a telephony 
>modem, but it was such a PITA to configure (and couldn't handle 
>redirecting external ports to a different port on the internal address 
>you're redirecting to.  Not that I need to do that anymore, but still. 
>And if you were assigning "Static Leases" (in DD-WRT parlance) for your 
>home systems, the unit would effectively have to reset itself for each 
>and every entry.  I had that sucker switched over to "bridged" mode 
>almost immediately.
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