On 11/06/2015 08:04 PM, japuzzo wrote:
Optimum has fully rolled out DOCSIS 3.0

Protip: If your Optimum installation dates back to the dawn of time, they will /not/ replace their own DOCSIS 2.0 modem until you kvetch about the quality of service. Even then, expect a protracted discussion about who owns the modem and whether their T&C cover replacing a functional item.

Bonus: if you kvetch about the cost of service relative to, let's say, VZ FiOS, you /might/ get a discount. OOL told us we "should have asked" /before/ switching to FiOS on a two-year teaser rate, but they obviously weren't going to leave money on the table by volunteering an offer.

Yeah, it's a duopoly and I should just get over it. Or move (back) to Raleigh: Google 1 Gb/s at less than VZ charges for 25 Mb/s FiOS...

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