On Monday, November 09, 2015 06:45:01 PM Ed Nisley wrote:
> On 11/09/2015 05:37 PM, John Mort wrote:
> > Quantum service really is different,
> > 
>  > or just a marketing term for a higher speed cap
> We have bottom-feeder 25 Mb/s non-Quantum Internet-only FiOS and it
> works exactly as you'd expect. VZ's fiber interface box on the outside
> wall has an Ethernet jack on the bottom, into which you plug your
> router, and /shazam/ you have a symmetric 25 Mb/s Intertubes connection.
I have the same 25 Mb/s FIOS.  (When I moved from Dutchess County, Verizon 
refused to give me DSL at my new location. Alternative ISP here is Comcast - 
the most hated of all companies). Quantum starts at 50 Mbps and yes, it's just 
a marketing term for their higher speed tiers. 

The fiber interface box on the outside wall (ONT) has two connectors, one for 
ethernet and one for coax. I read online that if you don't have FIOS TV, you 
should request your Verizon installer to use the ethernet connector. My 
installer insisted on coax. That constrains you to using a router that accepts 

I'd prefer to power off my Actiontec router when I'm offline. I had no problems 
powering off my DSL router. But with FIOS and the Actiontec, I've had 
connectivity problems with power cycling the router.  Any suggestions on what 
the problem might be?

Phenom II X2 550 | Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3 | 2 x 4G DDR3 1333 | WD Black 1 TB | 
GeForce 210
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