On 11/09/2015 05:37 PM, John Mort wrote:
Quantum service really is different,
> or just a marketing term for a higher speed cap

We have bottom-feeder 25 Mb/s non-Quantum Internet-only FiOS and it works exactly as you'd expect. VZ's fiber interface box on the outside wall has an Ethernet jack on the bottom, into which you plug your router, and /shazam/ you have a symmetric 25 Mb/s Intertubes connection.

Got it on a two-year teaser for $35-ish/month, but had a hard time talking 'em down from renting me a router and not upselling me 50 MB/s "so video would stream smoothly".

Somewhat to my surprise, bulk downloads (like distro ISOs and such) actually saturate at 25 Mb/s, as do most well-seeded torrents.

If we lived in Raleigh, I'd be on Google's upcoming /free/ 5 MB/s fiber like static cling; video would probably stream just fine through that, too.

It's a duopoly, fer shure, and they charge what they can get away with for as little as they can deliver...

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