On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 4:54 PM, Sarah Sharp
<sarah.a.sh...@linux.intel.com> wrote:
>> There's not really a consensus I guess, but most people do leave the version
>> information in the final commit message.
> I personally feel like that's leaving boredom doodles on a final
> architectural drawing. If people want to know the back-and-forth
> history, the mailing list archive will always be there. So, no, I don't
> really want to leave version info in the commit message.

FWIW I wholeheartedly agree with this line of reasoning. I never put
the version info into my commits either, and find it
confusing/misleading when others do. I want to know the final state of
things when looking at the commit 1 year from now, not the 20-step
process and all the wrong turns to get there.


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