So, this should have been a quick, easy fix.  One thing led to another,
and here we are at v3 of a 9 patch series.

There were some old bugs hanging around the code that we either never
noticed or just happend to work out okay.  The first 4 patches in the
series resolve those issues.  Patch 1 fixes a bug added 3 years ago.
I'm really, really surprised no application ever hit that one.  I only
noticed it because the patch 6 increases the exposure of the bug, and
several dEQP tests began failing.

The remaining 5 patches apply the GLSL ES restrictions on global
variable initializers (must be constant expressions) and disallow the
sequence operator (the comma) as a constant expression.  Patch 9 fixes a
piglit test from 2011 that tries to use sequence operator to size an
array.  From discussions in the ARB at that time, it seems that other
vendors also do not support this... though there is no documentation in
the test about which vendors pass the test.

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