On Tue, 2014-01-14 at 15:35 -0700, Alex Henrie wrote:
> 2014/1/14 Bruno Jimenez <brunoji...@gmail.com>
> > I'm not sure about "la fuente GLSL", even though it's the
> > correct translation, I think in Spanish we talk more about
> > "source code" and "code". So I think that "el código GLSL"
> > would be a better translation.
> Sure.
> > I think a better translation would be:
> > "Forzar una versión de GLSL por defecto en shaders a los que
> > les falta una línea #versión explícita"
> How about "Forzar una versión de GLSL por defecto en los shaders a que
> les falta una línea #versión explícita"

I think we are still missing a "los":
"Forzar una versión de GLSL por defecto en los shaders a los
que les falta una línea #versión explícita"

> > I think a better translation would be:
> > "Un filtro de postprocesamiento para aplicar cel shading a
> > la salida"
> Sure.
> > Here, there's an error translating "to" as "per" or "por",
> > the correct translation is "para":
> > "Antialiasing morfológico basado en el MLAA de Jimenez.
> > 0 para deshabilitar, 8 para calidad por defecto."
> Good catch.
> > If "only card memory" refers to the memory of the graphics
> > card, then the translation was correct. But there was
> > a recent change in the spelling of "solo". So the correct
> > translation would be:
> > "Solo la memoria de la tarjeta (si disponible)"
> > And I further change it to:
> > "Solo la memoria de la tarjeta (si está disponible)"
> What if you have a CrossFireX or SLI configuration? (Assuming that you
> got it working with the DRI drivers.) In that case multiple graphics
> cards would share memory, so "la tarjeta" would not make sense.
> "memoria de tarjeta" does not say how many graphics cards there are,
> so that wording covers all cases.

You are right, I always think in terms of one card and miss this cases.
I'm ok with the translation.

> > Here I'd also translate it as:
> > "Solo memoria GART (AGP/PCIE) (si está disponible)"
> In the above translation you have "Solo la memoria" but here you have
> "Solo memoria". We should either include the "la" in both or leave it
> out in both.

True again. I was thinking about GART memory as something more generic
and that's why I didn't use the article "la".

> Once you're satisfied with the Spanish translation, I'll make some
> similar changes to the Catalan translation and resubmit the patch
> series. The first patch of the series can be committed now; it does
> not have to wait.

I have looked at the translations, and I think I would also
change the translation for:
"Method to limit rendering latency"
"Método para limitar la latencia de renderizado"

> -Alex

Hope it helps!

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