On Thu,  1 Dec 2011 16:35:30 +0100, Vincent Lejeune <v...@ovi.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Here are an updated set of patches adding UBO support to Mesa.
> It still work in progress, however I got some demo working on gallium
> (namely blinking-teapot submitted to mesa-demos via another patch). 
> However not every gallium works, nouveau and softpipe does but llvmpipe 
> crashes
> (seems not to support multiple const buffer even if it advertises it) and
> r600g gives me a white teapot (it should varies from pink to blue).
> I've merged against master yesterday so there should be no collision with 
> uniform
> related work that was integrated recently into master.
> Any review would be appreciated.

Sent out a bit of review.  Overall, it looks like a "signs of life" kind
of patch series right now.  There are 3741 lines in the specification,
and seeing 0 testcases in piglit for it makes me concerned for it
actually working for anything but the one mesa-demos app.

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