On 19 October 2016 at 11:35, Grigori Goronzy <g...@chown.ath.cx> wrote:
> On 2016-10-04 12:32, Emil Velikov wrote:
>> On 2 October 2016 at 14:17, Axel Davy <axel.d...@ens.fr> wrote:
>>> I'd prefer myself Oct 14, because we have a lot of patches for nine, and
>>> they deserve more cleaning and testing, but if it's Oct 7, we'll try be
>>> on
>>> time.
>> 14th it is. As mentioned before: _don't_ wait for the last week to get
>> things merged. Once you're reasonably happy just send the new work
>> review and commit it.
>> Same applies for bugfixes :-)
> What happened to these plans? It is the October 19th already. Nine fixes
> have trickled into Mesa and radv was merged also. What's the holdup?
I've spent a (bit too many) days on trying to get things working with LLVM 3.9.
So on my end, I'll consider it broken and let the LLVM wizards take care of it.

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