On 06/07/2011 01:33 AM, Julien Cristau wrote:
On Mon, Jun  6, 2011 at 18:56:20 -0700, Kenneth Graunke wrote:

I'd make this an assertion.  must_use_separate_stencil is only set for
gen>= 7, and I assert that try_separate_stencil ought to be true in
that case (old DDX doesn't support IVB, new DDX requires new dri2proto
to compile).

Only unreleased git-snapshots of the DDX should hit this (and only on
unreleased hardware), so hitting an assertion seems like a friendly way
to say "hey, update your DDX".

There's nothing friendly about hitting an assertion, so if there's
another option then please avoid assert...


Well...my point was that I think only Jesse, Eric, and I could possibly hit it, and hitting an assert is a lot easier to debug than random behavior. In that sense, it's more helpful. I'd agree with you if it were possible to trip it on released hardware.

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