> > >  [TSS05] Messages from x.x.x.x temporarily deferred due to unexpected
> > > volume or user complaints -; see
> > > https://postmaster.yahooinc.com/error-codes    
> > 
> > 
> > Click that link. Read through it. Open a ticket with the support team.  
> I did that, but it doesn't seem to have had any effect. 

This is followup for a more complete picture. As I wrote above, I did contact 
the support team, and they eventually did get back to me with a friendly email 
telling me that the issue had been resolved. And indeed shortly after that, our 
email to yahoo.com got out again. Only to find it blocked with the same message 
a day later. Replying to the support email about this would then resolve the 
issue for another day or so, but eventually the IP always ends up being blocked 
again with the same error message "temporarily deferred due to unexpected 
volume or user complaints". Which is manifest nonsense because we do not send 
more than a handful of messages per day to yahoo, and those are all personal 
emails (not bulk or unsollicited) to people who we know want to receive our 

Is there anyone on the list from yahoo who is able to comment, either on list 
or in private? I really don't have any hard feelings towards yahoo (I know 
keeping spam out is difficult) but it feels rather hopeless on my end if there 
is no way to diagnose the problem an. Any attempt at getting more information 
via the support email inevitably leads to a standard reply with no further 
indication as to what might be wrong.


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