On Thu, 4 Feb 2021, Luke via mailop wrote:

Preventing outbound spam on a large system is a far greater challenge than
stopping inbound spam. The technical challenges are similar, but the
logistical challenges of preventing outbound spam without pissing off
customers is *far* greater than the challenge of preventing inbound spam
without pissing off customers.

If you are sufficiently big, a significant percentage of spam
*from* your users is spam *to* your users.

Or do large operators have functionally different filters
when sending to internal and external recipients ?

I see a tragedy of the commons here.
If every operator filtered when sending there would be little need to
filter on receipt and stopping one flow at source means many flows
don't need stopping at the destination.

Andrew C. Aitchison                                     Kendal, UK
mailop mailing list

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