On Fri, 4 Sep 2020, vom513 via mailop wrote:

Yep, I am already using parsedmarc/elasticsearck/kibana.  So as I
said it is not a huge deal - but I would have thought that it was
best practice to NOT send an agg report for emails sent TO your own
RUA.  This can be one end of a potential infinite loop yes ?

target.com is the only org I get these from based on the aggs I
send them.  I send plenty of agg reports to other orgs and they are
quietly consumed/dropped/bounced etc.

Unless you are doing the same thing, wont the loop stop after one cycle ?

IF someone else were to send a report to their RUA,
forged to come from you, would you not want to know about it ?

Andrew C. Aitchison                                     Kendal, UK

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