Am 29.06.20 um 16:42 schrieb Michael Rathbun via mailop:
> On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 15:46:05 +0200, Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop
> <> wrote:
>> Am 29.06.2020 13:16, schrieb Laura Atkins via mailop:
>>> On the advice of their lawyers Microsoft doesn’t share that
>>> information with senders.
>>> laura
>> Sounds a bit like Kafka's "Der Prozess". Don't tell the defendant what 
>> he's being accused of...
> From the standpoint of those defending the castle from huge hordes of
> exploiters and looters, it's more like "Don't reveal details, like the exact
> location of all observation posts, the nature of your defenses and the
> strength of your force, to anybody not part of your efforts".

I fully sympathize with not letting spammers know what tricks you're using, and 
it's perfectly ok to give only vague
reasons in your SMTP error messages (although I prefer to be very clear, 
including wording to the effect of "I know who
you are, and I'll reject your mail regardless of the tricks you're trying on 

I would draw the line where someone identifies himself properly and brings a 
plausible explanation of events - "we only
acquired the IP range recently" can be checked and is pretty plausible. If 
someone contacts us about rejected mail they
can be pretty sure that I read their message and look into the matter.

Mail operators who refuse to accept mail from peer mail operators (not 
anonymous spammers) may find themselves in the
same boat pretty quickly, as they depend on getting their mail delivered to 
others as well. I've been on the verge of
rejecting mail from the Microsoft mail infrastructure with pretty scathing 
error messages due to their apparent
inactivity in getting a fix on hacked accounts more than once.

It wouldn't hurt them, I know, and when I correctly remember the way 
Microsoft-created mail software mutilates and hides
error messages my message would probably not even reach their customers.


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