Maybe the answer is that not enough other mail server administrators are shining a light on just how poorly Microsoft (and any other big named provider) does in regards to incidents like this.
In my particular case at the moment, Microsoft is blocking one of our mail server IPs. Microsoft has not provided any evidence that anything bad has ever come from this IP address. (Which the pros/cons of disclosing this have already been discussed) The IP is not listed on any other public spam blacklist. The IP has a Senderscore of 99 - which I think still means something? All-in-all I'm just not seeing why Microsoft is blocking the IP. Show me some proof and I'll believe you. Outside of that, what am I suppose to do to resolve whatever that issue might be? Since you won't tell me what the issue is. I guess you just want us to lie on the ticket replies and say "We've resolved these issues" even though I didn't do anything. This is how the problem just keeps snowballing into larger and larger problems. Now is the IP blocked because of a larger class-C, class-B, or some subnet block? That'd be nice to know. But even if it is, if you're not seeing any activity from the specific IP address I'm referring to, why can't you just whitelist that IP from the subnet block? It's impossible to get a hold of anyone using Microsoft website contact form links that knows a lick about how their own mail servers work. If you tell them that you're IP is blocked they try to figure out why you can't access All the while, our users see us as being the bad guys. They don't believe that Microsoft/Hotmail/Outlook can be a bad guy because they're too big. I would be half a good mind to tell our users to sign up for this Mailops mailing list, just so they can read all of the horror stories that happen with Microsoft/Hotmail/Outlook mail server blocks. On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 2:57 PM Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop <> wrote: > Am 29.06.20 um 21:30 schrieb Michael Wise via mailop: > > > > A **VERY** strong economic argument. > > > > I know. I'm mainly venting my frustration, knowing too well that my > activity won't flip a single bit in Redmond. > > Hoping that some organization would do the right thing because it's the > right thing to do has become pretty futile (not saying that there ever was > much hope...) > > Cheers, > Hans-Martin > _______________________________________________ > mailop mailing list > > >
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