> On 19 Sep 2019, at 16:47, Michael Peddemors via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> 
> wrote:
> On 2019-09-19 8:35 a.m., Al Iverson via mailop wrote:
>> Thus there are three categories of subscriber responses:
>> - Clicked on unsub link or "no" button. Stop mailing.
>> - Clicked on opt-in link or "yes" button. Continue mailing.
>> - Did nothing. Send one reminder mail asking them again to opt-in in
>> 7-10 days. After that, let them go. Stop mailing them.
> +1, and can we go even further?  Confirmed double opt-in subscribers are MUCH 
> more valuable that single opt-in, you might even consider keeping all 
> confirmed double opt-in completely separate from other types of mailings, so 
> that that part of your service always has the highest reputation.

But you still need to pay attention to engagement with your confirmed 
subscribers. And reconfirming folks who confirmed 5 years ago but have not 
clicked on any link or opened anything or logged into your website in the 
previous 3 years is a good idea, no matter that they confirmed years ago.


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