Damon said:
> I have asked around and got a few opposing answers. Plain text vs. HTML,
> images ok/images not-ok, Opt-out Link at top or bottom, send from
> transactional IP vs. customer's 'regular' IP, CTA incentive for re-engaging
> included or not. 

You skipped the most important part.  Send mail people want.

What do you mean by engaging and why would you be sending re-engaging email 
and why does it need an opt-out link?


My personal opinion.  I am probably not one of your typical users.

I prefer plain text.  I like appropriate pictures and graphs.  I don't consider 
logos to be appropriate.  I really hate blinky bouncy crap.

I'm a privacy nut.  I don't want you tracking my mail reading.  If you think 
I'm not engaging because your web-bugs aren't working, you could ask me if I 
still want to be on your list.

If I decide I don't want to be on your list, I will unsubscribe.  If 
"re-engage" means invite me to get back on your list or some other list, I'm 
probably going to be annoyed by that sort of email.  An opt-out link doesn't 
make any sense since I already unsubscribed.  (And I don't opt-out from things 
I didn't opt-in to.)

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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