On Fri, 16 Nov 2018 11:04:03 +0000, Laura Atkins <la...@wordtothewise.com>

>Last time I talked to a SC employee, which admittedly was more than a few 
>years ago, about their trap conditioning they were using a 2+ year cycle of 
>actively rejecting mail to trap domains. If your users can’t figure out how to 
>stop mailing domains that never accept a single email over the course of 2 
>years, I don’t think that’s really a trap maintainer problem.
>I’ve taken the position, and tell my clients this, that EVERY SINGLE EMAIL 
>that bounces is a potential spamtrap.This has been reinforced by the 
>commercial services selling access to spamtrap data - where the spamtrap data 
>is simply domains maintained by the commercial service. If your customers are 
>bouncing mails then your response should be “they hit a spamtrap” not some 
>vague “oh, well.” 

In addition to internal spamtraps, they have external ones, like "Nadine"
(http://www.honet.com/Nadine).  Email to her will be forwarded to Spamcop
within seconds.  Happens a couple dozen times per day.

(If any other blacklist ops want a feed, drop me a note).

         "There are no laws here, only agreements."  
                -- Masahiko

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