Wow...we have received *so* many requests from senders who are lurking on this 
list (and in fact have never posted, at least in the several years' worth of 
archives that we have).

So, a couple of things:

1.  It's interesting to note how many senders are lurking here, many of whom 
even I have never heard.  

2.  Trusted Reporters is a list for those in the email receiving and anti-abuse 
industries.  If the senders here want their own list we're happy to create and 
admin it.  TR is a list for those reporting spam they are seeing come in, not 
for those monitoring to see if they are being identified as spamming*. 


*ESPs are in their own category, because they are hosts, they are not doing the 
sending on their own behalf.  When I say 'senders', I'm not talking about ESPs.

> What I was suggesting was a private, confidential list of trusted reporters.  
> For example, I have routinely been receiving spam from, among others, Ezoic 
> and  I *do* report them, but it's been useful in this 
> endeavor that at least one person on this list also took an interest in it.
> Remember that this conversation got started because someone *did* post a spam 
> sample here, and was quickly whacked for doing so, because mailop is *not* 
> for that.
> I know there are people here (and others) who are interested in learning 
> about the sources of spam when they trust the person who is reporting that 
> information.  They can do with that information what they want.
> So *that* is the list that I am talking about.
> In fact, given the responses here (many against, but some for) and the 
> responses I have received offlist, we have gone ahead and created that list.  
> If you want to join it, do;  if you don't want to join it don't. :-)
> So, if you want to be part of this private, confidential list to discuss and 
> report spam that you have received, and related matters, send a note to:
> with 'subscribe' in the subject line.
> Anne
> Anne P. Mitchell, 
> Attorney at Law
> Legislative Consultant
> CEO/President, Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
> Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
> Member, Colorado Cyber Committee
> Member, Board of Directors, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop Member, Board of 
> Directors, Greenwood Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
> Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
> Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
> Ret. Chair, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop

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