On 2017-04-26 10:41:17 (-0600), Anne P. Mitchell, Esq. <amitch...@isipp.com> 
I know there are people here (and others) who are interested in learning about the sources of spam when they trust the person who is reporting that information. They can do with that information what they want.

So *that* is the list that I am talking about.

That does actually sound interesting. Projects like spamcop.net and senderbase.org can tell me the reputation of spammers and how much spam is being sent but sometimes it's fun to dig a little deeper. (Like "who are these people?", "where did they buy *that* address from?" perhaps.)

In fact, given the responses here (many against, but some for) and the responses I have received offlist, we have gone ahead and created that list.

If you want to join it, do;  if you don't want to join it don't. :-)

Another (confirmed opt-in :-)) mailing list can't hurt.

Thanks for putting this up.


Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Ministry of Information

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