On 2017-04-10 13:11:51 (-0700), Steve Atkins <st...@blighty.com> wrote:
On Apr 10, 2017, at 1:01 PM, Philip Paeps <phi...@trouble.is> wrote:
On 2017-04-10 21:50:01 (+0200), valdis.kletni...@vt.edu wrote:
On Mon, 10 Apr 2017 12:21:45 -0600, Ryan Harris via mailop said:
It might be helpful to understand why people want to post on email
forums rather than an abuse desk. Is it to gain public attention on
the matter? Is there a bit of shaming going on and the reporter
wants the community to know they are fed up with the ESP? Are people
reporting on public forums b/c they want to know if others are
experiencing the same problem?
Posting the spam itself on forums is pretty much pointless.
On the other hand, having a forum where you can ask "Are the guys who
are supposed to be dealing with ab...@robot-penguins.xyz merely
clueless or actively rogue?" or "Does anybody have a contact at
helium-filled-cows.com?" does have value....
I think this mailing list serves that purpose quite well. :)
That's not what it's for.
It is (was?) for operational email issues. Discussion of spam was
off-topic unless it had operational relevance. "I got spam from
production.outlook.com, did anyone else?" is not that.
I haven't found the occasional "does anyone know how to get in touch
with X out of band?" messages too distracting. In fact, I quite
appreciate the later followups like "I got in touch and the problem
turned out to be foo".
It was lower volume and more useful when that was policed.
The "I got spam from ..." messages that spawned this thread we could do
without though. The moderator *did* in fact step in to police that...
SDLU is probably a better venue for that.
(also, all y'all don't get to have any legitimate opinion about email
until you've learned to trim your damn Cc: lines)
Sorry! Must remember to 'l' instead of 'g' in this mailbox.
Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Ministry of Information
mailop mailing list