Hi John

> OK, they look at the problem and see no evidence that it's one that
> any customers care about.  Ticket closed.

Agreed, if this is the case. But in Dave's case they see:

* Our customers cannot receive email from this IP because we do
  blacklist them.
* The owner of the range has change, so we probably blacklist them
  because of the previous owner, we can do something about.

So they should not just close the ticket.

I see 'closing ticket because you are not a customer' very often while
reporting abuse.

It could be similar to: Hey [insert big vendor here] I found a
vulerability in your [insert application name] that (one if your
customer|you offer as a cloud service) is running on the IP address
[insert ip here] which can be exploited remotely to DDOS/Spam victims
on the internet.

Would I expect to get a reply on the lines: Please provide your serial
number and a proof of purchase of [insert application name], else we
cannot open a trouble ticket for you.

But this is indeed the reply I often get.

-BenoƮt Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e   A G    -    Leiter Commerce Kunden

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