On Wed, 2016-11-16 at 21:52 +0000, David Sgro, Dataspindle wrote:
> > Any good place to find a list of specific ones I should check? No
deliverability problems elsewhere so far.
> > > Did http://multirbl.valli.org/ and several others and totally clean. I
found out about Proofpoint when emailing a vender.

We list a few non standard / B2B ones here - https://www.wemonitoremail.com

Word for the Wise has an excellent collection of postmaster resources here
- https://wordtothewise.com/isp-information/

But really, advocating abusing the BBB customer complaint mechanism to
solve a deliverability issue when you're not even a customer? That's not a
viable, polite or reasonable position to advocate. I doubt that was why you
were contacted and even if it was, that won't help you if you plan on ever
contacting postmasters again. And good luck with that trick when you're
blocked by an off-shore mailbox provider.

I've never needed to throw my toys out of the pram to get Proofpoint to
investigate an issue with an IP address.


Ken O'Driscoll / We Monitor Email
t: +353 1 254 9400 | w: www.wemonitoremail.com
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