This wouldn't apply in my case but I have seen people simply blacklist a 
provider and say "if you want to sign up for our service use another email 
address to sign up"

Companies like yahoo that provide "free" email service rely on ad revenue and 
wanna keep their customers

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
  Original Message
From: Benoit Panizzon
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2016 8:36 AM
To: John Levine
Subject: Re: [mailop] Yahoo blacklist removal

Hi John

> OK, they look at the problem and see no evidence that it's one that
> any customers care about.  Ticket closed.

Agreed, if this is the case. But in Dave's case they see:

* Our customers cannot receive email from this IP because we do
  blacklist them.
* The owner of the range has change, so we probably blacklist them
  because of the previous owner, we can do something about.

So they should not just close the ticket.

I see 'closing ticket because you are not a customer' very often while
reporting abuse.

It could be similar to: Hey [insert big vendor here] I found a
vulerability in your [insert application name] that (one if your
customer|you offer as a cloud service) is running on the IP address
[insert ip here] which can be exploited remotely to DDOS/Spam victims
on the internet.

Would I expect to get a reply on the lines: Please provide your serial
number and a proof of purchase of [insert application name], else we
cannot open a trouble ticket for you.

But this is indeed the reply I often get.

-BenoƮt Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e   A G    -    Leiter Commerce Kunden

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CH-4133 Pratteln                Fax  +41 61 826 93 01
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