My impression of it has always been that it is a "pay to get whitelisted"
system, but not a "pay to stay whitelisted" one. IOW, you can be booted off
at any time, and can't buy your way back on - at least, not w/ the same
domain. But that is only my external impression, I have no direct
first-hand experience w/ it, just friends who used to work for Barracuda.

On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 8:55 AM, Rob McEwen <> wrote:

> On 8/29/2016 10:26 AM, Eric Henson wrote:
>> Rob posted in the thread above that is legit.
> fwiw, here is what I said about, back in 2009:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Someone I have great respect for has vouched to me (off-list) that he has
> inside personal knowledge of and that he knows for 100%
> positive that this is well run, very ethically run, and NOT pay-for-play
> (or something like that--still trying to figure that last one out a bit).
> Nevertheless, given this person's confidential assessment, I am now
> convinced that there are honest and altruistic intentions behind
> and I'm convinced that those running it must be highly
> ethical and competent. (I'm still distrustful of the quality of ANY
> whitelist which involves payment even if the intentions are honorable, but
> that is just my personal taste.)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> That is what I said in 2009. But I continue to have doubts about how the
> stated altruistic goals can even be achieved without this downward
> spiraling into pay-for-play... or, at the least, how pay for whitelisting
> can't lead to a negative impact on the quality of the whitelist, especially
> when compared to whitelists that are instead built by recipients' feedback,
> etc? Still, considering the good things that I was told in confidence by an
> unbiased industry expert, I'm very much inclined to give
> MUCH "benefit of the doubt"
> --
> Rob McEwen
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