The relationship between Barracuda and isn’t very clear. At the 
very least, Barracuda is sponsoring, providing them with 
equipment, IP space, and referrals. claims the $20/year is to keep 
spammers from abusing the service.

I should mention that Rob McElwen—who I see just posted—runs a good RBL, I 
stopped using it earlier this year because we started using the Barracuda RBL 
when we bought our Barracuda appliances. Rob posted in the thread above that is legit.

Mathias—I’m referring to transactional emails (“We have received your order”, 
“we have shipped your order”) as well as replies to emails from the customer 
(1.Customer emails, “where is my order?”, 2. Email agent replies, “we shipped 
it yesterday”, 3. customer marks reply as spam). Take a look at and  and you should get a pretty good idea of what 
these emails look like.

From: Suresh Ramasubramanian []
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 9:04 AM
To: Eric Henson
Subject: Re: [mailop] How many more RBL's do we really need?

Does Barracuda still operate that paid whitelist?


On 29-Aug-2016, at 7:28 PM, Eric Henson 
<<>> wrote:
I’ve done lots of RBL testing, for years, and the only RBLs that I’m using are 
the ones that are effective and don’t have false positives: Barracuda RBL and 
Spamhaus Zen (paid). But I still do my best to keep my mail servers off the 
other lists; usually this just means I stop sending email from one of my 
gateways for a week. I also had to sign up for the AOL junk reporting service 
because their users are too stupid to know the difference between the “delete” 
button and the “report junk” button.
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