On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 4:18 PM, Michael Wise <michael.w...@microsoft.com>

> In this case, if I’m understanding it right, the traffic never got IN to
> the Office365 environment, or if so, it might not have been associated with
> the actual domain in question, but … the number of times I’ve used Message
> Trace can be counted on the fingers of one hand; I much prefer working with
> NDRs and the full headers in such cases. L

Yeah--in this case it never hit Office 365, so there would be no logs in
'message tracing', but I've had a few times in the past where it did hit
(and I had full logs from a Linux mail server about the temp or permanent
reject), but tracing never gave me anything.

My dream is that one day all mail clients will have a new 'forward to tech
support' button that includes all the headers.

Thanks for the info.

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