No worries! ☺ $DIETY knows, these things happen. Aloha, Michael. -- Michael J Wise | Microsoft | Spam Analysis | "Your Spam Specimen Has Been Processed." | Got the Junk Mail Reporting Tool<> ?
From: Aaron C. de Bruyn [] Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 3:18 PM To: Michael Wise <> Cc: Subject: Re: [mailop] Tracking Office 365 Delay notices? Sorry Michael--false alarm. It looks like their domain expired. Through a tragedy of DNS caching we are still communicating with them as well as<> and a few of their clients. Most other people can't. Sorry for the noise. -A On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 3:00 PM, Michael Wise <<>> wrote: There is no data to understand the nature of the problem. “recipi...@redacted.tld<mailto:recipi...@redacted.tld>” might as well be “*********” If there is some real data you can share with me privately, I can see what I can find out. Or, the user can raise an issue with Office365 Customer Support, who should be their first resort. Aloha, Michael. -- Michael J Wise | Microsoft | Spam Analysis | "Your Spam Specimen Has Been Processed." | Got the Junk Mail Reporting Tool<> ? From: mailop [<>] On Behalf Of Aaron C. de Bruyn Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 2:43 PM To:<> Subject: [mailop] Tracking Office 365 Delay notices? I have a client using Office 365. They have 39 accounts, and they have all been in use for about 9 months. This morning one of the users says "no one has been able to e-mail me for several days". She was able to get the remote user to forward me details. Apparently the remote user is a Hotmail user. The delay notification is beyond useless. No information about message IDs, or mail server responses: -- [-- Attachment #1 --] [-- Type: multipart/alternative, Encoding: 7bit, Size: 2.2K --] ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From:<> Date: Aug 17, 2016 5:54 AM Subject: Delivery delayed:Vehicle use To:<> Cc: This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESEND YOUR MESSAGE. Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed. recipi...@redacted.tld<mailto:recipi...@redacted.tld> -- So I figured I would look at the "message tracing" feature of Office 365. Maybe it's just because I'm connecting from an evil Linux system using Chrome, but there appears to be no way to put a 'recipient' in to their wizard. You can add a Message ID and a sender--just no recipient. (Javascript console was full of 401, 403, and 500 errors) Putting the proper sender in returns no results. I tried e-mailing a test account at the affected domain. The message came through almost immediately, but message tracing showed no results. Does anyone know if Office 365 logs messages that are rejected or delayed as part of spam filtering? I know in Exchange 2007 (or maybe it was 2012) that rejected messages were never logged unless you turned on protocol logging. Thanks, -A
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