Am Tue, 28 Jun 2016 15:57:39 -0700
schrieb Hal Murray <>:

> > There is currently no way to deliver spam to abuse@<google hosted
> > domain>
> Google isn't the only problem.  There are lots of outfits that do
> content filtering on their abuse mailbox.
> It seem reasonable to reject mail from IP Addresses on black lists,
> but rejecting spam reports because they look like spam seems silly.
> What did you expect them to look like?
> Is that mentioned in any BCP?  Do any spam-filtering examples process
> abuse@ correctly?

Sure, using MIMEDefang, we have this code snipplet that affects all our
hosted email domains:

  # ACCEPT any Emails to Postmaster or Abuse Address
  if ((lc($user) eq "abuse") or (lc($user) eq "postmaster") or (lc($user) eq 
"spam") or (lc($user) eq "ham")) {
        md_syslog('warning',"Mail to special recipient $user hardcoded 
        $vars->{imp_sa} = "ACCEPT";
        $vars->{imp_va} = "ACCEPT";

SA = Spam Action
VA = Virus Action

Overriding the recipient's settings and spam filter threshold. As
'spam' and 'ham' are also used to report spam or false positives, we
also whitelist those recipients.

I'm pretty sure each ISP could implement such rules on their spam

You could also easily match the MIME-Type message/feedback-report and
give some 'ham' score to that rule in SpamAssassin and probably any
other Spamfilter.

-BenoƮt Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e   A G    -    Leiter Commerce Kunden

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