I must agree with your assessment of Ricardo's attitude. However, it must be 
noted that I've never had heat battery life with the iPhone 4 first running 
ios4, then 5 then 6 and now 7. It's not terrible but it's not great either.
On 2013-09-24, at 3:36 PM, CJ Daniel <cj.bear.dan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Riccardo,
> Way to stay level-headed, assess the data, & not scream "the sky is falling!  
> The sky is falling!"  If you keep this up, you'll give blind folks a good 
> reputation.  
> Seriously, some good points,
> CJ
> On Sep 23, 2013, at 10:03 PM, Ricardo Walker <rwalker...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> lol,
>> Hi.  I kid you not, I see this with every, single, major update to IOS.  a 
>> bunch of people start complaining on how terrible their battery life is.  
>> Now, before anyone gets upset, I’m not saying some cases aren’t genuine.  
>> But, the overwhelming majority are not.
>> Let us step back and think what happens when we get a major update.  For the 
>> majority of us, usage goes up.  At least in the short term.  If there was a 
>> chart out there, I bet you would see a usage spike right after major 
>> updates.  Everyone wants to check out all the new features, improvements, 
>> etc.  So naturally, the battery is getting used a whole lot more.  At least, 
>> more than you normally do.  Give it 1 month.  95% of bad battery claims will 
>> mysteriously go away.  If you want, do a google search for battery issues 
>> going back the last 5 years.  There all about updates that kill battery 
>> life.  But yet, you rarely ever find this in the middle of a refresh cycle 
>> for the OS.  I know, some will say “That’s because Apple has fixed the 
>> battery  trouble with minor maintenance updates.”  This could be true.  But, 
>> only once, in 5 years of using IOS do I remember Apple putting out an update 
>> that specifically mentioned fixing a battery issue.
>> JMO.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> rica...@appletothecore.info
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> www.appletothecore.info
>> On Sep 23, 2013, at 2:26 PM, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> So in another words just turn everything off. Kidding, but this is a 
>>> serious issue and I find it a little troubling that Apple didn't think a 
>>> battery issue for Voiceover users was serious enough to address before the 
>>> release. This issue has definitely stopped me from running out to buy a 5S. 
>>> I am sure there will eventually be a fix, but Voiceover fixes always seem 
>>> to roll out very slowly. I have turned my screen brightness down, always 
>>> use my screen curtain but have heard conflicting reports on whether this 
>>> affects battery life. I have turned off location services for those apps 
>>> that don't need it, monitored what is in the app switcher, turned off apps 
>>> refreshing in the background, and I am sure I am forgetting a few other 
>>> things I have turned off. I do like IOS 7 but the battery issue and VO not 
>>> working very well in lists for Downcast and my RSS feeds is very annoying 
>>> as in IOS 6 you could quickly delta items as VO would drop you on the next 
>>> item after swiping to delete something. This does not work in IOS 7 if you 
>>> swipe right it jumps two items, and VO constantly loses focus in these 
>>> apps. Oh well. 
>>> On Sep 22, 2013, at 7:14 PM, Tim Kilburn <kilbur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Can't recall if this was mentioned yet.  If you set your iPhone to Push 
>>>> and/or Fetch Mail less often.  Actually, I just have mine set to grab Mail 
>>>> when I go into the Mail app as I don't care for it giving me alerts 
>>>> constantly when in meetings and such.  I tend to get 48 to 72 hours out of 
>>>> my iPhone 5 even on iOS 7.
>>>> Later...
>>>> Tim Kilburn
>>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>>> On 2013-09-22, at 1:45 PM, Ricardo Walker <rwalker...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Turning screen curtain on does not save battery.  This came straight from 
>>>>> Apple btw.  
>>>>> Ricardo Walker
>>>>> rica...@appletothecore.info
>>>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>>>> www.appletothecore.info
>>>>> On Sep 22, 2013, at 2:37 PM, Eugenia Firth <gigifi...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi again
>>>>>> The other thing I did which I forgot to mention that saves battery power 
>>>>>> on my iPhone is to turn screen curtain on. That way my battery is not 
>>>>>> running my screen, and I only turn my screen on when I really need it.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Gigi
>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>> On Sep 21, 2013, at 7:22 PM, Eugenia Firth <gigifi...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> my email was coming in every time I got one, and it was gobbling up 
>>>>>>> battery power for breakfast. I don't have that problem so much anymore.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Gigi Hi guys
>>>>>>> I have a for S iPhone. I have done two things which is made a huge 
>>>>>>> difference to my battery life on my iPhone. First, I turned off 
>>>>>>> Bluetooth and only turn it on when I need it. Secondly, I set my email 
>>>>>>> to download only manually.
>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>> On Sep 21, 2013, at 4:01 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu <kawa...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'm waiting for my 5S as I believe when there is a major update, 
>>>>>>>> Battery life on the 5 and lower drains as my theory is if that didn't 
>>>>>>>> happen Apple would not get people to buy the new phones on Offer.  As 
>>>>>>>> I have sold my current phone, and once I get my new one, I've decided 
>>>>>>>> not to update for now so it'll all be new to me when the phone finally 
>>>>>>>> comes to me from the Apple store.
>>>>>>>> Kawal. 
>>>>>>>>> On 21 Sep 2013, at 20:28, May and Noah <mcdonald....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Wow speaking of battery life since I had a battery issue not long ago 
>>>>>>>>> that puzzled me.
>>>>>>>>> Surprisingly after doing the update my phone lasted nearly 50 hours 
>>>>>>>>> before dying and needing a charge. I am curious to find out if that 
>>>>>>>>> was just a ha, good luck day after the upgrade since I'm letting it 
>>>>>>>>> do a complete recharge now since I don't need to go anywhere today it 
>>>>>>>>> can sit and charge and I'll see if I'm lucky again.
>>>>>>>>> May and Prince Noah
>>>>>>>>> www.canadianlynx.ca
>>>>>>>>>> On 2013-09-21, at 2:52 PM, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Yeah Ed I think that might be the problem, as I do have a lot of 
>>>>>>>>>> apps. I just turned it off, so will see how that affects the 
>>>>>>>>>> battery. Thanks again
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 21, 2013, at 2:35 PM, Edward Green <ergreen1...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Brian,
>>>>>>>>>>> YOu may want to try and experiment with background refresh.  YOu 
>>>>>>>>>>> can control whether individual apps refresh in the background or 
>>>>>>>>>>> not.  I believe the idea of this feature is to save you time when 
>>>>>>>>>>> opening apps, and the phone will learn your routines for doing this 
>>>>>>>>>>> so that the apps refresh appropriately.  However, it sounds as 
>>>>>>>>>>> though some of them may be refreshing more than you want.
>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>> Ed
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 21 Sep 2013, at 19:25, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey all,
>>>>>>>>>>>> For the most part I really am loving IOS 7. The one thing that is 
>>>>>>>>>>>> a concern is the battery life is horrible. I typically made it 
>>>>>>>>>>>> through almost the entire day with not really needing to charge my 
>>>>>>>>>>>> phone. Yesterday, I barely used it and I had to charge it twice. I 
>>>>>>>>>>>> am using an iPhone 4S on IOS 7, and know some of you have some 
>>>>>>>>>>>> fantastic info, and was hoping someone might be able to compile a 
>>>>>>>>>>>> list of checks to use to get the best battery life. I have turned 
>>>>>>>>>>>> that new motion option on as I read that saves some battery life. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have closed a lot of the apps in the app switcher especially all 
>>>>>>>>>>>> GPS apps. I saw someone mention turning off background refresh 
>>>>>>>>>>>> might save battery life. What am I losing by turning that off, as 
>>>>>>>>>>>> I thought that was one of the new features that iPhone was 
>>>>>>>>>>>> pushing, so by turning off I would like to know what I am 
>>>>>>>>>>>> disabling. I assume it means apps will only refresh when I open 
>>>>>>>>>>>> them, as I have noticed through out the day I would hear Downcast 
>>>>>>>>>>>> refresh which I thought was odd, as I have it set to refresh every 
>>>>>>>>>>>> 8 hours and usually manually refresh it. I do have about 200 apps 
>>>>>>>>>>>> on my phone so if they are constantly trying to refresh I could 
>>>>>>>>>>>> see that killing my battery. I have my screen curtain turned on 
>>>>>>>>>>>> and screen brightness turned down to 33%. 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, if anyone got an iPhone 5S can you let us know howe the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> battery life is? I plan to get one when the craze dies down, but 
>>>>>>>>>>>> want to find out if people are having serious battery issues or 
>>>>>>>>>>>> any other problems.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks all
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