Hi Mary and Others,

Oops, I goofed on the description of Cheryl's setup with KeyRemap4Macbook. 
 I said she set up Right Command+Shift to be the Control key, but it was 
Right Command+Return.  So you press Right Command+Right Option +Return (or 
"Enter", if you prefer the Windows term), and you get the VO-keys at the 
right side of the keyboard without interfering with other keystroke 

HTH.  Cheers,


On Wednesday, June 19, 2013 12:33:10 PM UTC-4, Esther wrote:
> Hi Mary and Others,
> As Phil and others have stated, you can use keyremap4macbook to get both 
> an embedded Numpad working, and you can modify your keyboard to so that you 
> have VO-keys on the right side of the keyboard.  Mary, since you're on the 
> mac-access list, you can check their archives for my posting of a complete 
> description on using keyremap4macbook  last August.  I also posted a link 
> to that post on the AppleVis web site guides and podcasts that Eric Caron 
> submitted.That post describes not only how keyremap4macbook works, but the 
> fastest ways I found of navigating to set up a variety of different types 
> of key remappings using VoiceOver. 
> Back in January, Cheryl Homiak described a slightly different way of 
> getting VO-keys on the right side of the keyboard than Traci uses. KR4MB 
> (to abbreviate) lets you configure keys that only act when they are used in 
> combination with other keys.  Cheryl set up her keyboard so that the right 
> Command key acts as a Command key when pressed by itself, but acts as a 
> Control key when pressed together with the right Shift key. So, she 
> basically has VO-keys on the right side of the keyboard by pressing the two 
> keys next to the space bar, along with the right Shift key, reached by 
> stretching over with the pinky, I think, of her right hand.
> Like Anne, I'm used to typing on a Mac laptop keyboard and executing all 
> the VoiceOver keyboard shortcuts without assistance, but I do like the 
> default action of KR4MB, even without the hack to get the caps lock key 
> mapped to be the VO-keys.  First, you can automatically get access to an 
> embedded numpad on the right side of the keyboard.  You get the full numpad 
> extending below the "7 8 9" keys on the top row of number keys simply by 
> pressing the "Fn" key together with the corresponding embedded numpad key. 
>  Even better, if you turn on NumPad Commander, you can use these keys in 
> combination with modifiers to get the complete range of your customized 
> NumPad Commander definitions.  And if you don't want to have the embedded 
> NumPad, you can simply check a box in the KR4MB preferences setup to 
> disable this feature.  Then you could use an additional external NumPad. 
>  But you could still use KR4MB to let you press the Command+Option+Shift 
> keys on the right side of the keyboard to act as the Control+Option keys 
> for VoiceOver.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther   
> On Wednesday, June 19, 2013 11:50:11 AM UTC-4, Traci wrote:
>> I use keyRemap, and now the right command key is a control key.  So I 
>> have VO keys on the right. 
>> I also followed some instructions on AppleVis to set my caps lock key as 
>> voKeys, but funny enough, I don't use it much.  I have a feeling that tweak 
>> was for Jaws users. 
>> TC, 
>> Traci 
>> On Jun 19, 2013, at 6:46 AM, "Phil Halton" <phil...@gmail.com> wrote: 
>> > I think I remember someone saying that they used a key remap app to set 
>> right shift key to act as the right control key. Then, right option+right 
>> shift acted as right VO keys. 
>> > 
>> > ----- Original Message ----- From: "Pamela J Francis" <ppowe...@aol.com> 
>> > To: <macvisi...@googlegroups.com> 
>> > Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:32 AM 
>> > Subject: Re: making do with no vo keys to right of space bar 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Hi Mary, 
>> > I dove in to the mac world with a laptop & never bought a full 
>> keyboard. There are times I have found the need to come to the left side of 
>> my keyboard with my right hand, however, It is tolerable. I would think you 
>> could set a hot key to do what your wanting to do minus your full keyboard. 
>> > On Jun 18, 2013, at 6:45 PM, Mary Otten <mott...@gmail.com> wrote: 
>> > 
>> >> This is directed at laptop users who elect to stick with the built in 
>> keyboard on your laptop, rather than connecting a full usb keyboard. I am 
>> very use to my full keyboard with its num pad, which gives me access to num 
>> pad commander and both sets of vo keys. I also have a magic track pad, but 
>> to be honest, I don't use it much, as it is separate from the keyboard, and 
>> I've just never found it all that efficient. 
>> >> 
>> >> That having been said, I'm strongly considering purchase of a Macbook 
>> Air, and that has no num pad and no vo keys to the right of the space bar. 
>> There are certain vo command combinations that I use a whole lot, like vo A 
>> and vo D, just to name a couple, and there is no way I can do those with my 
>> left hand alone. I'm guessing that having the track pad integral to the 
>> machine will make it a lot more natural feeling. I'd still like to kick 
>> Apple for getting rid of the control key on the right, but since that's not 
>> practical, I'd be curious how you MacBook owners who also have desktops 
>> with a full keyboard dealt with the transition. Do you miss the vo keys on 
>> the right and the num pad? 
>> >> 
>> >> Mary 
>> >> 
>> >> Mary Otten 
>> >> mott...@gmail.com 
>> >> 

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