Thanks, Kerri, it was exciting. 

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 28, 2013, at 4:15 PM, Kerri <> wrote:

I would like to say congratulations, Donna et al.
On 2013-04-28, at 12:03 PM, Donna Goodin <> wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> Well, the short answer is that we went over his head.
> We filed a complaint with the state, which resulted in a conference call with 
> the boss of the people who made the decision.  the guy was kind of 
> frustrating.  Initially he accused me of letting my personal biases interfere 
> with making a decision that was in the student's best interest, he still 
> insisted that Windows is the better choice b/c that is what 90% of employers 
> want, and when I said that if she ever really had to, she could install 
> Windows on her Mac, he said that no blind person should ever try to run an 
> installation of Windows on a Mac, because it's too difficult. I just ignored 
> the latter, but I thought it said a lot about how little he knows about blind 
> Mac users.  He was also very hung up on the fact that MS Office isn't 
> accessible on the Mac, and I had to spend some time talking about why that 
> wasn't a problem.
> I think mostly the conference call was a show for the benefit of his 
> underlings, so that it didn't look like he just overruled them.  So we went 
> through all the points, that we do have Macs on campus, that I can provide 
> training and support, that a Mac is an appropriate choice for her career,how 
> her exposure to a Mac was pretty much even with her exposure to Windows and 
> JAWS, etc.  Toward the end of the call he pontificated about how using an 
> iPad or iPhone isn't the same as using an actual Mac--which of course she 
> already understood--and then said that given that having a Mac would not 
> present employment issues, and given that her experiences with both systems 
> are basically equivalent, they could go ahead and by the Mac.
> So that's how it happened.  I'm thrilled for the student, and hoping that the 
> next time someone in the state requests a Mac, just maybe, we have made a 
> small in-road.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Apr 27, 2013, at 5:36 PM, eric oyen <> wrote:
>> WOOT!
>> I bet that was definitely frustrating to start with. So, inquiring minds 
>> want to know… what convinced the VR rep to acquiesce to your demands?
>> -eric
>> On Apr 27, 2013, at 6:37 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> for those who followed my earlier inquiry, we had a meeting with the VR 
>>> powers that be yesterday, and after a very long, and sometimes frustrating 
>>> conversation they agreed to purchase an MBA for my student.  She and I were 
>>> both thrilled.  thanks again to all who gave input.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
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