I guess I miss worded my question.  But I guess that's what I get for
assuming everyone would know what I was talking about.

-----Original Message-----
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 11:33 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: legality of copying a dvd (was removing copyright protection
from DVD)

Ah!  Ok.  Thanks Donna, I guess I'm not crazy after all.  lol.  I think what
we ran into here was a typical case of jumping the gun, and wild assumption.

Ricardo Walker

On Dec 30, 2012, at 12:10 AM, Donna Goodin <doniado...@me.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I think you're all confusing several different things here.  I agree that
the I'm blind so I deserve special treatment is bunk, but I don't think that
was the point that was being put forward.
> 1.  the point that we all copy CDs every day and no one thinks anything of
it as long as it's for your own personal use is a valid one.  I have
hundreds of CDs, many of which I have imported into my iTunes library. No
one looks askance at that, no one even bothers to ask whether I'm making
that content available to anyone else.  Why should a movie be any different?
Few if any would make the argument that I am obligated to repurchase that
content from iTunes in order to play it in my iTunes library.
> 2. VLC and HandBrake are available to anyone, not just the blind
community.  To ask about these resources is no different than asking what
apps are available to help you find the best prices on shoes or gas.
Kliphton was simply inquiring about the name of widely available programs,
he can't be faulted for that.
> 3.  As was already stated, encryption does not equal copyright.  If you
break encryption, but never provide the content to anyone else, you have not
violated copyright.  If that were the case, any of us who have imported a CD
into iTunes, or scanned a book so we could read it on our computer,
notetaker, etc. have violated copyright.
> Clearly, if Kliphton breaks encryption and then provides that content to
others, or if he illegally purchases content, he  has violated the law.  But
to transfer content which he has already purchased to another device for his
personal use, is not a violation of anything..
> Best,
> Donna
> On Dec 29, 2012, at 9:47 PM, Ray Foret Jr <rfore...@att.net> wrote:
>> Quite right too.  I wonder something.  IF the person wanted to break the
copy right on a DVD put forth the effort to create something, would he want
others to do to him what he seaks now to do?
>> a fair question do you not think?
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Dec 29, 2012, at 9:05 PM, Karen Lewellen <klewel...@shellworld.net>
>>> Kindly share the portion of the source post for this thread that even
suggests your interpretation is this  person's goal?
>>> They asked how to break a copyright.
>>> Frankly if the content of your DVD collection has value to you, you keep
a means for playing them...no more no less.
>>> I do not find your description of "today's technology" is a reason for
this conduct, but that too is just my opinion.
>>> Karen
>>> On Sat, 29 Dec 2012, Alex Hall wrote:
>>>> Well, I apologize for my reply then, but I did not see the original
poster's question as stealing. I'll not go into the Movie Vault here, but
copying a dvd one already owns is, to me, not stealing anything. Provided
the digital copy is not sold to, given to, or otherwise distributed to
anyone else, I see the copy as a backup or a way of watching something you
already paid for on another device. For instance, say you have a Mac Mini
hooked up to a living room tv, but the Mini has no disk drive (as they have
not for a couple years). You also have a Macbook (also no disk drive) in the
house. Both devices share a network-based iTunes library, and as neither can
play your movie, you simply convert the movie into a format that your
devices can use. Yes, you can buy the movie twice over just to have it in a
compatible format, but now you've paid twice for something you owned in the
first place but was simply not compatible with today's technology. I'm sorry
if I offend anyone, but that's my opinion. Again, you cross a line when you
start distributing your copies to other people, but as long as it's for your
personal use and is used to get around technological incompatibilities, I
don't view it as stealing and therefore have no problem helping others
convert their outdated dvd libraries into modern files playable on today's
diskless computers.
>>>> On Dec 29, 2012, at 9:17 PM, Ray Foret Jr <rfore...@att.net> wrote:
>>>>> My sword also drawn, well sharpened and at the ready.  What's right is
right:  and, what's wrong is wrong.  Not to mention which, I believe the mod
has made it very abundantly clear that the stealing of intellectual property
by any on this list WILL, NOT Be, tolerated.
>>>>> Nor even the discussion of it.
>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>>>>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>>>>> On Dec 29, 2012, at 7:49 PM, Karen Lewellen <klewel...@shellworld.net>
>>>>>> Hi Ray,
>>>>>> I am not sure where to start besides thanks...ahem because you are
blind you are entitled to stolen property?  There is a regulation that says
>>>>>> A bit humorously, but this is not a blindness thing so to speak, of
anything is a blindness thing.
>>>>>> Unfortunately it is a human disorder, i. e. because I feel
disadvantaged for <fill in reason> my back ground income level, skin, gender
whatever I have decided divides me from the rest of humanity, I can claim
the right to all sorts of things belonging  too others because I am
>>>>>> The same argument is made for other sorts of stealing, from cheating
on a spouse to shop lifting, and it is equally misguided.
>>>>>> to keep this on point, I suppose some forget that Apple staff are
rumored to read this list?
>>>>>> and I feel sure they would love to know others here are using their
creativity to steal from hard working professionals.
>>>>>> Kare with her shoes on but her intellectual property sword drawn
>>>>>> On Sat, 29 Dec 2012, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>>>>>> I totally second what Karen says here.  Frankly, it's the attitude
on the part of some blind people that just because they're blind, they have
the right to steal copy right protected material makes me want to vomit!!!
Nothing gives anybody the right to Steal like that.  I don't care if it's a
physical store, a DVD or what ever.  When you buy a DVD or CD, or even a
download, all you have is the right to the individual private use of that
intellectual property.  You DO, NOT, OWN, that intellectual property.  That
is the work of someone else:  and, unless that someone else specifically
gives you the right to make further use or to further distribute that
intellectual property, , it IS, NOT, yours to do with as you will.  The only
thing you own is the physical medium on which that intellectual property
happens to reside.
>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>>>>>>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>>>>>>> On Dec 29, 2012, at 7:04 PM, Karen Lewellen
<klewel...@shellworld.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Half a moment.
>>>>>>>> Mod alert before this thread goes any further.
>>>>>>>> You actually expect people to guide you towards stealing property
>>>>>>>> Just as bad as the other thread recently telling someone how to
seal movies from the vault of stolen material the mice gives away.
>>>>>>>> I trust a mod will prevent this before it gets out of hand.
>>>>>>>> Karen
>>>>>>>> On Sat, 29 Dec 2012, Kliphton wrote:
>>>>>>>>> So, what apps do people use to remove copyright protection 
>>>>>>>>> from DVD's so it can be ripped?  I heard VLC can do this, but
never knew how to do it.
>>>>>>>>> Kliphton Senior
>>>>>>>>> (Email&iMessage) kliph...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>> (Twitter&Skype) kliphton72
>>>>>>>>> (Personal blog-read at your own risk!) 
>>>>>>>>> http://kliphskorner.wordpress.com 
>>>>>>>>> <http://kliphskorner.wordpress.com/>
>>>>>>>>> (Life Journal) kliphton.wordpress.com
>>>>>>>>> (face book) http://facebook.com/kliphandsharrie
>>>>>>>>> --
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