Hi there.

The iCloud button updates your data.


Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 2, 2012, at 5:24 PM, "Chris Moore" <apple.geek.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That is exactly how I prefer to use iTunes also.  Anyone worked out what that 
> iCloud button does yet?
> On 2 Dec 2012, at 03:38, Steve Holmes <steve.holme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The one view I always liked in prior versions of iTunes was the table view 
>> showing all the tracks of an album and the detail columns that go with them. 
>>  I discovered that if I choose the Songs view instead of Album or Artist, I 
>> not only get the table list view back but I can also get the column view 
>> back as well.  And while interacting with the music table, I can use VO-J to 
>> toggle around between the player, Music Browser and the Music table.  That 
>> never worked properly for me in older iTunes versions.  The new grid views 
>> seem strange to me but there are so many different ways to configure this 
>> thing, it's pleasant news to be able to get a view that can just about 
>> please everyone.
>> Right now, I'm using the Songs view with Sidebar turned off but status line 
>> turned on.  Plus I have the column view enabled.  This is really working 
>> good for me.
>> On Dec 1, 2012, at 3:37 AM, KJSC radio <kjsc.ra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hey all, while it may seem different in iTunes, Like many people have said, 
>>> the few options are the way to go if you want iTunes to look and feel 
>>> mostly like normal again. Yeah while it seems like apple made iTunes 
>>> complex this time around, their are 2 choices you can make… For example, 
>>> you can choose to live with the new interface which I have decided to do 
>>> for a bit or you can choose to see if there are ways to make iTunes appear 
>>> normal  again… Just thoughtI would bring that up… I would like to say 
>>> though that I love the up ned feature!!! I find this useful especially, 
>>> when I'm doing enter net radio broadcasting with nice cast on my station 
>>> and if someone requests a song that I have in my library, I could just go 
>>> into the songs view, search for the song, find it and VO shift M on that 
>>> and choose add to next up!!! I love that because I would just make it 
>>> crossfade to the next song just by doing that… well, have a good day all.
>>> On Nov 29, 2012, at 9:32 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
>>> <clgillan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> You're exactly right John.  I am ashamed of myself for the prior comments 
>>>> I made, and I humbly ask that you all please accept my apology.  I acted 
>>>> like a jerk!
>>>> Thank you kindly,
>>>> Christopher-Mark Gilland.
>>>> Founder of CLG Productions
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "John Panarese" <jpanar...@gmail.com>
>>>> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>>> Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:11 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: ITunes 11 is absolutely perverted! in my opinion!
>>>> If you look in the view menu and hit enter on, show Side bar, you do have 
>>>> a source list visible.  You then can use control-option-j to jump from the 
>>>> source list to other areas and back.  You can also use the VoiceOver web 
>>>> navigation commands as well, such as VO-command-j or even option-tab.
>>>> My suggestion is look at the menus and experiment a bit before you jump to 
>>>> conclusions.  It's certainly different, but I would not call it 
>>>> "perverted" in the least.  Be patient and explore and tinker.  We all have 
>>>> to learn it and find techniques and tips to pass along to one another.
>>>> Take Care
>>>> John D. Panarese
>>>> Director
>>>> Mac for the Blind
>>>> Tel, (631) 724-4479
>>>> Email, j...@macfortheblind.com
>>>> Website, http://www.macfortheblind.com
>>>> Twitter, @macfortheblind
>>>> On Nov 29, 2012, at 10:32 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 
>>>> <clgillan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> OK, I don't normally bitch about Apple 峰roducts, but I have to say, what 
>>>>> in the cottin pickin heck! was Apple thinking!  Maybe I am just not very 
>>>>> patient, but this is absolutely disgusting! from what I am so far seeing.
>>>>> First of all, I hear people saying the interface is much simpiler?  OK, 
>>>>> how do you figure that?  You're entitled certainly to you all's own 
>>>>> opinions, but lookat.  Let me give my! point a vew.
>>>>> First of all, the sources list is totally 100% gone.  Granted it's in a 
>>>>> popup button now, which is fine, except that they put it way smished in 
>>>>> the darn middle of the screen it seems.  This means without the item 
>>>>> chooser, it's a pain in the butt! to get to that popup button.  I can't 
>>>>> even jump over a lot of things by pressing vo+down arrow instead of right 
>>>>> arrow.  If I do that, there really is no way to get with vo+down arrow to 
>>>>> the source popup, as it's on the top most row of the screen, so down 
>>>>> would take me too low, and vo+up won't work, as you kind a already are! 
>>>>> on the top upper most column of the screen, so... there went that! idea.  
>>>>> Second of all, at least that I so far can see, though I could be 
>>>>> incorrect on this assumption, and dear God I hope that I am, there is no 
>>>>> longer a list view.  It's totally grid based now.  Not that this is 
>>>>> really per sey an issue, but it does make navigating a little bit more 
>>>>> confusing, I'll sure as heck tell you that!
>>>>> OK, let's talk about something that for a change I do! actually like.  I 
>>>>> love the fact that they have given us the option of sorting our music by 
>>>>> songs, artist, playlist, genre, or even album just by hitting vo+space on 
>>>>> whichever button near the top of the screen.  In that sense, I think that 
>>>>> was an excellent idea.  No, I'm not being sarcastic at all!  I mean it! 
>>>>> That really was pretty cool.  The only issue is, say you go under albums. 
>>>>> Now you go to the bottom of the screen and interact with the grid.  I'm 
>>>>> finding that pressing vo+down arrow after doing so is only reading the 
>>>>> first 13 or so things in the list.  Past this point, it insists to only 
>>>>> say row 14, row 15, row 16, etc. it won't read the album.  Not only this, 
>>>>> but with the ones it does read, it's only telling me the album title, and 
>>>>> not the artist along with it, so I have no way necessarily of knowing who 
>>>>> the album is by, unless I'm already familiar with the disc.  Fortunately, 
>>>>> I know my music quite well, so thus, I usually can tell who the disc is 
>>>>> by, but that could change down the road.
>>>>> Here's something else really gross in my view.  I did a search while in 
>>>>> album view sorting for "Testify to Love."  Once I did this, I noticed as 
>>>>> I typed, it made the most God! aweful! sound I've ever heard from my 
>>>>> macbook speakers.  Scared the buh Jesus! outta me!  Anyway, rellavant as 
>>>>> that is, LOL! I then vo+right arrowed and found that it showed the 
>>>>> results.  I found Testify to Love by Avalon from the A Maize of Grace 
>>>>> album.  So, I thought ok, bingo!  I hit vo+space on it.  Ding? Ding ding? 
>>>>>  What the heck!  Finally I tried to stop interacting.  Turns out, that 
>>>>> stupid popup that came up apparently was being interacted with.  After I 
>>>>> stopped, I was able to access the grid, but all I saw was a grid of all 
>>>>> the albums I had by Avalon. Vo+Space on them doesn't seem to be doing 
>>>>> anything more so than bringing up the album details screen.  Once in that 
>>>>> screen, I saw where it said songs, then it said 1. Testify to Love, and 
>>>>> that was the only song showing.  I presume this is because that is the 
>>>>> track that I searched for, so it's not gonna populate the whole album.  
>>>>> OK, fine, whatever.  That makes sense I guess, whatever.  I hit vo+space 
>>>>> on that.  Again, let's hear the nice ding dong merrily on high, the 
>>>>> mackin bells are dingging.  What the birdy butt sky, I can't do a darn 
>>>>> thing thing.  OK, enough with my smartass comments. You get the point 
>>>>> though.
>>>>> Here's something else.  Each device you have connected like an IPhone, or 
>>>>> an IPad, etc. apparently appears at the top of the screen, again, the 
>>>>> very top row, so  forget vo+up or down to quickly get there.  You gotta 
>>>>> move about 7 or so times to the right from the top left corner, so there 
>>>>> again went your really quick navigation.  OK, fine, Voiceover hotspots to 
>>>>> the rescue, yeah, sure thing, but, that's ludicrus to have to do that 
>>>>> just to make very very vital points of the app easier to quickly access.  
>>>>> I mean, come? On! Give, me, a break!  Before you flame me, and say, 
>>>>> Chris? your attitude is totally! uncalled for, let me just say this.  For 
>>>>> a new Voiceover user, not that I am one, but let's only just for a moment 
>>>>> say that I were, this interface would be ridiculously! confusing!  Is it 
>>>>> accessible? Yes. Extremely so, but just because it's accessible doesn't 
>>>>> mean it's clean.  Frankly, this is probably the most disgusting interface 
>>>>> of any! Apple based app with the exception of IPhoto that I ever have 
>>>>> seen in my life!  And before you say it, oh? baby? have I ever! contacted 
>>>>> Apple Accessibility regarding this.  I was very polite, don't worry, but 
>>>>> I did tell them up front, between them over charging me for my last 
>>>>> ITunes purchase which by the way, they are refusing to refund, then other 
>>>>> things I won't go into here on list, plus then, now this? I mean God! 
>>>>> Bless!
>>>>> Oh, here's one more thing, that popup that came up that I was 
>>>>> automatically interacting with when I did the search for Testify to love? 
>>>>> I saw a button in there for adding the track to up next.  OK, based on 
>>>>> the thread already up here, I know now what that is, and it actually 
>>>>> honestly sounds really really awesome.  It'll be great to queue things up 
>>>>> like that with crossfading enabled when I use Nicecast to do my internet 
>>>>> broadcasts, but here's the thing.  I hit vo+space on that, and I guess it 
>>>>> added it, but then I went back up and hit play.  Nothing played though 
>>>>> what so ever.
>>>>> Frankly?  I think I'm just gonna quit using ITunes and go v l c.  This is 
>>>>> ridiculous!  If I need music, apps, etc. I'll just use my i o s devices. 
>>>>> I'm sorry, but this is down right yuck in my book.
>>>>> Before you say anything, let me say this final comment then I'll be done, 
>>>>> I swear.  Most of you, probably not all, but a ton of you probably are 
>>>>> gonna write me back either on list or off, most likely on, and try 
>>>>> imbarrassing the heck outta me either purposefully or not, by saying my 
>>>>> attitude is totally unacceptable, and that more so my choice of slang is 
>>>>> only more to show my ignorance.  Allow me to say this.  I do all my work 
>>>>> business wize with the help of I O S and my copy of ITunes.  Whether that 
>>>>> is promoting my debut single in ITunes by playing it for people I meet on 
>>>>> my phone, or it's me using my phone as a calendar/roledex, or it's me 
>>>>> using apps like LookTel or whatever, to simplify my independence.  The 
>>>>> bottom line is: ITunes for me is a big! big! deal.  To not have good 
>>>>> access to it is extremely! extremely! irritating.  I never said I can't, 
>>>>> nor will, get the hang eventually of the new version, and frankly, like 
>>>>> it or not, I really don't have much of a choice in the matter.  I 
>>>>> understand that.  So, I'll apologize firstly and foremost in advance to 
>>>>> anyone whom this e-mail may offend with my wordage, or verbiage there of, 
>>>>> but understand that when you have an app that works so fantasticly, then 
>>>>> companies think that they have to implement eye candy and totally middle 
>>>>> F*** the interface, that makes me extremely! angry.  If it's not broken, 
>>>>> then God, darnit? don't fixit!  I dono why for so many companies, that's 
>>>>> so hard to understand.
>>>>> OK, enough sauga.  I'm off to learn this new damned thing.  Anyone wanna 
>>>>> gamble with me if I figure it out or not?  LOL!  Just kidding.  Hey! I 
>>>>> had to make ya smile after reading all that crap, somehow, ey?
>>>>> Chris.
>>>>> -- 
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