Yes, I agree! The developer is awesome, and he's very quick!
While back, I asked him to implement function+space as left mouse click
because I would need control mouse click or option mouse click. You
can't do it with voiceover because VO steals control and option key when
it simulates mouse click.
On 9/5/2012 9:24 PM, Eric Caron wrote:
Hi Garth and others,
The developer of the KeyRemap4Macbook application has been making more
improvements for Voice Over Users. I will put out another podcast as soon as
possible but in the meantime be aware that having the Caps Lock key work as the
Voice Over keys is becoming easier to set up.
And also, for VM fusion users the caps lock key can now function
correctly using this app in VM fusion with JAWS, and probably other windows
screen readers as well.
I'll get back with more directions and details as soon as possible.
Eric Caron
On Sep 5, 2012, at 7:57 AM, Garth Humphreys <> wrote:
Hi Eric
I finally got the time to do this. It's excellent thanks. Thanks for contacting
the dev, the addition of this option is most welcome.
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the iBlindTech Democast.
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On 02/09/2012, at 11:18 PM, Eric Caron <> wrote:
Hi Alex,
Thank you for the reminder. Just wrote my request and reminder to
Apple. I try to ask for this every 6 months or so! I hope others who find
this is a needed improvement will add their voices.
In the meantime Not only do you have a way to get the VO keys to work as the
caps lock key but you can also get a Number pad making the num pad commander
available on the standard keypoard. This is very helpfull for those who don't
have a full size keyboard. This is something Apple removed a few years ago and
the keyRemap4Macbook allows the user to put back.
Eric Caron
On Sep 2, 2012, at 7:48 AM, Alex Hall <> wrote:
I agree. However, if you think that choosing the modifier to use with vo is a
good idea, please email and tell them so. They won't
change anything if the interest isn't there, and using this amazing resource to
tell apple themselves what we want is a great way to effect change for the
better in VoiceOver. I emailed them a few days ago, explaining how making my
capslock key into the vo key has increased my productivity and ease of use on
the mac, and asking if they could add an option in the vo utility to let users
chosse which key(s) they want to use as the vo keys. If you agree with me,
please do the same.
On Sep 2, 2012, at 2:01 AM, Ricardo Walker <> wrote:
I think Apple decided to go to do things the way they did because they didn't
want voiceover hijacking your keyboard like screenreaders on windows do. So,
they made the modifier 2 keys instead of one.
Ricardo Walker
On Sep 1, 2012, at 11:10 PM, Alex Hall <> wrote:
I don't think it's a legal thing at all. Rather, I suspect it's a standards
thing; apple started it that way, so rather than change an integral part of
their UI for a group of users, they kept it. Just my thoughts, and I could be
wrong. Still, if there were a legal issue, then NAVDA wouldn't use caps lock,
yet that is an option in that program.
On Sep 1, 2012, at 10:56 PM, Rodney Haynie <> wrote:
Finally got a chance to install and setup these two apps. Great find and I love
Since I am still on a Windows box on my 9to5, I always used the CapsLock with
the screen reader. I am so use to it, and it is so productive.
I assumed there was some legal issue as to why Apple did not implement this.
On Aug 28, 2012, at 10:47 PM, Eric Caron <> wrote:
Hi Mary,
If you follow my podcast you will no longer have a caps lock key but
rather a very convenient Voice Over key. If you want your caps lock back you
can either go to the extras menu in Mountain Lion for KeyRemaper4Macbook and
press the preferences button and then you can either temporarily turn off the
key remap with a check box or uncheck it permanently.
For me this is a non issue as I almost never use the caps lock key and can use
the shift key when needed. The advantage of having the caps lock act as the
voice over modifier key is infinitely more important to me. I keep finding
ways why this works so well. for example opening a disclosure triangle is now
so much easier. I just holde the caps lock key down with my left little finger
and tap the \ key with my other little finger. I never take my hands off the
home keys. In the past my left hand had to go all the way down to the Option
Control keys on the left side completely stopping my typing flow.
I still have a lot of muscle memory that causes me to use the old VO Keys but
little by little I am increasing my speed by taking advantage of the caps lock.
It is great! another key I now use more often is vo w and VO w twice. This
is the word and the spelling of a word. with caps lock and w it is fast and
easy. with standard vo keys on the bottom left I had to reach my right hand
way over to the w key, and this was quite a contortion just to hear what word I
was on, I don't need to do this any more. I do it all with my left hand never
leaving the home row keys.
Hope this info helps.
Eric Caron
On Aug 28, 2012, at 12:20 PM, Mary Scott <> wrote:
So what does happen when you need the caps lock?
On Aug 27, 2012, at 7:01 PM, Eric Caron <> wrote:
Hello listers,
I have long wanted the VO keys "Control Option" to be available as the caps
lock key. this would allow one finger to hold down the keys. Also, the location of the
Caps Lock key is ideal for reaching many keys that need to be pressed with the Voice Over
Using the caps lock key as the VO modifier would dramatically reduce the times
I find my fingers contorted trying to press multiple keys all over the keyboard.
For those of us who type with our fingers on the home row this allows us to use
the VO modifier while keeping our hands ready to continue typing.
I'm pleased to let you know that this is now possible. Thanks to Takayama Fumihiko, the
developer of KeyRemap4Macbook. this application in conjunction with another application
by the same developer allows a Mac user to remap the caps lock key as the "Control
and Option" keys pressed together.
The other application is called PCKeyboardHack. These two apps and a file
created for VO users makes this possible.
Although a write up of this process would probably be more efficient
for most of us, that is not my strength. Instead, I have provided a link below
to a podcast that walks through the set up.
In addition below are links needed to obtain the applications and the specially
constructed xml file.
Finally, I have provided links to some additional help documentation
The application developer responded to my request for this capability within
hours of my written request. I have also been asked to contact again if there
are any other ways the application can help blind users.
This was such a nice response. I'm still amazed as I have written to Apple asking for
this every few months or so, only getting back the standard answer,"thank you for
your suggestion." .
I'm so grateful to now have this ability.
Also, please be aware that this application can also remap other keys. For
example you could make the command key on the right of your space bar a Control
key giving you another set of Voice Over Keys.
KeyRemap4Macbook also creates a num pad on your regular keyboard. this makes
it possible to use num pad commander on a standard keyboard.
This is covered in a excellent post by Ester on the list.
One gentle reminder. This is donation ware so if you use this as much as I do
please support this developer. and, as we come up with more ways this
application can help and as the OS changes we will want this developer to
support us.
This was the most challenging podcast I have created so far. If you
see a need for revision please let me know.
I will be submitting this podcast to . In the meantime here is a
dropbox link
Below are the links I give in the podcast and also the XML text you will need.
Link to KeyRemap4MacBook and PCKeyboardHack applications.
Link to instructions on changing the Caps Lock key to PC application key. the
needed key code number is 110.
Link to private.xml, that changes PC Application Key to Control+Option.
Link to instructions on how to use private.xml.
The Following is the text of the Private xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<name>Change PC Application Key to Control+Option.</name>
<autogen>--KeyToKey-- KeyCode::PC_APPLICATION, KeyCode::OPTION_L,
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