Hello Brian,

I scan both single sheets and whole books.

I use a Cannon Lide 700F portable USB scanner with my 2007 white MacBook.

In VueScan, you can set it to single or multi-page scanning. You can also set 
it to auto-repeat so that you don't have to keep pressing Cmd-N on the computer.

After pressing Cmd-G to tell VueScan that the last page has been scanned, ABBYY 
FineReader is launched automatically. I've set a shortcut key for creating a 
text file, so all I have to enter is the filename.

I generally scan a double-page at a time and have scanned over a hundred such 
double-page spreads into one file and had FineReader recognise them.

VueScan comes in two flavours now: 32-bit and 64-bit. It all depends on your 
scanner which one you need. My Cannon Lide 700F works with the 64-bit version, 
whereas my much older CAnnon Pixma MP170 only works with the 32-bit version.

In System Preferences, I've set my Cannon Lide 700F to open VueScan when I 
press the Scan button. However, I cant get VueScan to recognise the buttons on 
my scanner, despite the fact that there are popup buttons to configure the 
scanner buttons. I need to look into this further.



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