Hi Marlaina,

Here's another option for using Address Book.

• Navigate to the Groups Table.
2.  Select the first item, All contacts.
3.  Stop Interacting With the Groups Table.
4.  Navigate to the Names Table and Interact with it.
5.  Press the first couple letters of the first name of the person you wish.
6.  Stop Interacting With the Names Table.
7.  Navigate right to the Contact Information Scroll area.

If you simply wish to look at a contacts info, just Interact with that Scroll 
area and you can hear everything that you have regarding this contact.  If you 
wish to edit this info in any fashion, do the following:

1.  Navigate past the Scroll area until you hear "Edit Card Unchecked Checkbox".
2.  Check it with VO-space.
3.  Navigate back to the Scroll area and Interact with it.

You can now modify this card.  Also, because that checkbox is now checked, if 
you choose another name from the Names Table, you could modify it as well.  You 
could also use this method if you have a specific Group selected from the 
Groups Table.  Note that if you edit the card when you're within a specific 
Group, it will also edit the card within the All Contacts area.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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