
What I've noticed with Address Book and the Address Panel within Mail itself is 
that the Item chooser seems to only work for what it can see within the Table.  
Maybe Eric can correct me on this but I've been playing with it as well and 
appear to have the same problems you do.  I've never used Address Book with the 
Item Chooser so this is a new one to me.  I usually just Interact with the 
Names Table then type the first couple letters of the name of the person I wish 
to get contact info on then navigate to the Contact Info Scroll area.  That's 
been the fastest method for me.  That's not to say though that others haven't 
found faster ways for themselves.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2010-11-04, at 7:42 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Yah, but with almost 800 contacts, I gotta make that work better, smile.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Sarai Bucciarelli" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 6:13 PM
> Subject: Re: some newbie mac questions - item chooser
> Hi:
> Idem chooser is for the web. If you've properly imported your contacts in 
> address book, which is a pain in the butt, you should have a table with all 
> of your contacts listed as rows. You interact with the table, and vo down 
> arrow to read each card.
> On Nov 4, 2010, at 11:43 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> Ok; I think I am not getting something here.  I'm in addressbook on my
>> macAir and I brought up item chooser; it said 30 items; I started typing
>> gary and it said go left.  What did I not do?
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "erik burggraaf" <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 8:57 AM
>> Subject: Re: some newbie mac questions
>> Hi, see comments below.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> User support consultant,
>> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in
>> person,
>> 1-888-255-5194
>> On 2010-11-04, at 11:12 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>> 1.  I need to know how to efficiently navigate calendar and addressbook.
>>> In
>>> calendar for example, when I do control shit t and then get my date I 
>>> want
>>> to view entered, I hear nothing and when I vo right or left, I'm back to
>>> today's date.  Also, entering appointments is weird for me because I
>>> haven't
>>> quite figured out how to know whether I'm on the month chooser, the day 
>>> or
>>> the year, and then we add in the time.  It doesn't seem to be consistent
>>> that one right arrow takes me to month, 2 to day, 3 to year and 4 to 
>>> time.
>>> Yeh, I'm not really sure how to help with this.  I'm sure I have the
>>> answer but not really how to communicate it.  The inconsistancy in the
>>> date and time control could be because it remembers where you left off.
>>> so, if you only set the month and the day for an appointment, when you 
>>> get
>>> back to the date control it will still be on day instead of starting back
>>> at year.  It's definitely not inconsistant so something in the logic of
>>> how these things work is off.
>>> I am still at a loss to efficiently navigate to a contact in addressbook.
>>> I'm at such a loss, in fact, I can't even tell you what I can't do, 
>>> smile!
>>> This one is easy.  Press vo I for the item chooser menu.  You can then
>>> start typing.  If you type the first few letters of any piece of info the
>>> item chooser will pull up everything that has that info.  Typing lie will
>>> give you all the liebergs.  Typing mar will give you all the marlenas and
>>> margarets and marys.  Even if you have hundreds or thousands of contacts,
>>> the item chooser will still get you to the vcard you want in seconds.  If
>>> you then want their work phone, go back to the item chooser and type 
>>> work.
>>> If you want their home address go to the item chooser and type home.  The
>>> item chooser may in fact be even more useful in calendar and address book
>>> than it is in safari, and that is really saying something.
>>> 2.  Occasionally I need to copy then paste things from a website, such as
>>> a
>>> recipe.  I cannot consistently do this.  Sometimes shift downarrow works
>>> and
>>> sometimes it does not.
>> There are two ways to do this.
>> One, press control option shift C when you hear something you want to rip
>> off of the webpage.  This is the copy last phrase to clipboard option. 
>> It's
>> pretty intuitive and will often scoop up large blocks of text for you
>> without having to do anything.
>> If that fails, press control option enter and then control option left and
>> right arrows to select text word by word.  Once all the text is selected,
>> press control option enter again and then command c to copy.  I'm not real
>> kean on that method and try to use control option shift C whenever 
>> possible.
>>> I would also love to know how to jump to the next
>>> block of unlinked text.  In Window-Eyes, I simply press x which moves me
>>> by
>>> blocks of unlinked text.
>>> I had to look this one up.  Turns out it is control option command p. 
>>> For
>>> a complete list of html navigation commands, go to safari and press
>>> control option shift F.  Then you can arrow down a menu with all of them
>>> listed.
>> Hope this helps.
>> -- 
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